Chapter 12

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Beyoncé pov

"Beyoncé honey, theres nothing wrong with coming to me. I'm always here for you baby," my mom told me as she held me and I cried in her chest. I felt ridiculous at my big age I should not be crying to my mama.
"I can't! I don't wanna do this any moreeee," I sputtered out in defeat. She hummed and still held me.
"I love you so much honey Bey. You know that?" She asked I continued to cry in silence.
"I asked you a question Bey, you know I don't like being ignored," she jokingly sassed as she lightly pinched my side. I have a small smiled before responding.
"Yes ma'am," she pecked my head and tapped my side for me to get up.
"Have you talked to your sister recently? Heffa been running buck wild," I giggled a bit. If it was one person who could make me feel better it was my mama. She was my true keeper. Beside Rih, she was my only Bestfriend. Damn I still miss her so bad.
"You hear me talking to you girl?" She snapped her fingers in my face.
"My bad I was thinking. Whatchu say?" I said wiping my face and following her into the kitchen.
"I said what do you want for dinner Child?" I shrugged. I definitely don't have an appetite but I know she not taking that for an answer.
"Imma just whip up something quick. Don't got time for y'all indecisive ass kids," she mumbled along making me laugh a little.
"Now I hate to ask this, but you know I'm gonna. Have you spoke with Kehlani recently?" My lip quivered. I hadn't heard from her in nearly a month now. Ever since she sent the text and broke up with me I have been torn to pieces.
"No. We broke up,"I told her as I played with my fingers.
"Oh I'm sorry baby, I didn't know. I wanna ask why but I won't get all in you alls business. It's okay though, now you can focus on being the best version of you," she said as I nodded. She was telling the truth. Shit sucks though I can't lie.

Kehlani pov
"Miss ma'am you are not finna act crazy today," i cooed at my chunky little baby as she swung her legs, hindering me from getting her ready for the day. The more she grew each day the more I fell in love. This little girl was truly my everything.
"Adeyaaa. I love you so much booboo," I sung to her as I finally changed her diaper and slid on her pants. I held her against my chest as I made sure I had everything else packed up and ready to go. I took the two bags down to the car, and than placed her in her car seat, and we were ready to go. I snapped a quick picture for my Instagram and posted.

Liked by Beyonce and 919 othersKehlani Baby bear🧸Solopiaget My TeTe omg! Call me  Victoriamonet head full of hair😍

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Liked by Beyonce and 919 others
Kehlani Baby bear🧸
Solopiaget My TeTe omg! Call me 
Victoriamonet head full of hair😍

Bey's like threw me off. I was not expecting her to like my post, let alone the post of my kid. But shit atleast I know she's not too too mad at me. My first stop was my therapy session, then we needed to go to the grocery store, and Im going to have my midwife come over for my 6 week check up to make sure everything is healing properly. I stopped at Starbucks to grab a coffee and was on my way. My phone buzzed indicating I had a message. It popped up on my apple car plays as well.

Solocup🥤 - Texting again because I know you'll eventually answer.
Solocup🥤 - Are you okay? I miss you
Solocup🥤 - what happened with you and Kyrie 🤨

I scoffed at the last message. I couldn't text back so I just decided to wait until I made it to my destination. Once I pulled into the parking lot I hearted the I miss you message, and responded.

LaniTsunami🌊 - miss u more solo. Nothing consensual, he's really a piece of shit

Solocup🥤 - I'm sorry what ??? Wym

LaniTsunami🌊 - nothing, I just think you should stay away from him Solange. He's not a good person

Solocup🥤 - he has a rough past but I swear he's nothing like he used to be. Y'all just aren't hearing him out. Nvm

LaniTsunami🌊- I don't have time for this Solange. Love you but I'm blocking you 🫶🏽

And I did just that. She wasn't finna keep throwing me getting assaulted in my face. Yeah she didn't know explicitly, but if I said nothing consensual, she shoulda took a hint. I love her but I have to love me more. The little girl in my back seat deserves a mom like that.
"Alright little dude let's roll," I strapped her onto me with the baby carrier and grabbed the diaper bag before closing the door and locking it. Adeya babbled while looking around. For her to only be about a month old she was super aware of her surroundings.
"Hi welcome to Therapeutic Remedies, do you have an appointee?" The lady at the receptionist desk asked. I nodded and gave her my name.
"Alright Dr. Neil is ready for you, you can head back to the 3rd room on your left," I followed her instructions and knocked before entering the room.
Beyoncé pov
I scrolled through Instagram and saw a post that caught my attention. I smiled a little before my chest tighten a bit. I wiped the stray tear that fell from my face. She had a baby girl. I couldn't see her face but I just know she's beautiful. I liked the post and kept scrolling. A text came through from one of my fave artist. I swiped it up and continued scrolling through instagram. I was going to get back to work first thing tomorrow. I just don't know if I'm actually ready.

Excuse all errors
A lil filler 😗🫶🏽

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