Chapter 2

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Beyoncé Pov
September 29, 2018
I hurriedly threw my bag In the trunk so I could get that the girls in time. I sent solo a text asking if they were at her house or Kehlani's but she never texted back, so I FaceTimed Kehlani.

 I sent solo a text asking if they were at her house or Kehlani's but she never texted back, so I FaceTimed Kehlani

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Hey Lani, are y'all at Solange's or yours?" She smiled in the camera.
"Hey Bey, we're at Solo's place,"
"Okay, on my way now," I hung up and pulled off heading toward her house. Thank God she was only ten minutes from me. I rolled down my windows to let the breeze wake me up and played some old school R&B. I sung along with the music, as I shortly pulled up to Solo's place. I honked the horn letting them know I was outside. Soon the door opened and they came out with bags. I popped the trunk and got out to help them. I couldn't help but stare a little at Kehlani. She looked so damn fine.
"Hey Bey, thanks," Solo said as I grabbed the bag from her and put it in the trunk. I turned around to Kehlani trying to put her own bag in.
"Ah aht," I took it from them putting it in. She laughed.
"Thank you Bey," after that I closed the trunk.
"One of y'all ride up here with me," Solange hurriedly hopped in the back seat.
"Not it!" I chuckled, as Kehlani got in the passenger seat.
"That's so childish. I hope the other side if you pillow is hot as hell," I full out cackled, pulling off.
"Damn what's so bad about sitting up here with me?" I asked as Solange listed a bunch of stupid reasons. Little sister shit. I looked at Lani who shrugged and blushed hard.
"Nothing, Solange just childish," she said shyly, making me laugh.
"Mmhm. Don't be shy pretty girl," I flirted a bit. Solange gagged.
"Can you not flirt with my Best friend in my face,"
"What I can't tell her she's beautiful?" I teased making Solange roll her eyes and Kehlani blush more.
"Anyways, did you ask mama about the rooms?" I asked as she nodded.
"Yeah me and Lani are sharing, you have your own of course, and I don't know what the other gremlins are doing,"
"Shit, Lani you wanna Switch with me?" I teased. She laughed shaking her head.
"You are trouble," I laughed and left them alone turning the music up. Soon we pulled up to the airport and I parked the car.
"Alright folks, we are now landing. Please stay seated until the captain turns off the seat belt sign above you. It's about ninety-eight degrees, and local time is ten fourth-eight am. Welcome to Mexico!" The flight attendant spoke on the intercom. I sighed, anxious to stand up and stretch my legs. Being six-two and on a plane didn't really go to get her well. Even with the extra legroom I still felt cramped. I looked over at Solange and she was knocked out with her head resting on Kehlani's shoulder. Kehlani was simply staring out the window.
"What's got your attention hm?" I asked as she looked over and smirked.
"It's beautiful out there, how could I not stare," she said turning back to look again.
"I say the same about you," I said as she chuckled.
"You not finna play me Ms. player. I know you too damn well,"
"Is that so? Since you know me so well, you would know I'm the furthest thing from a player," I said as the sign finally turned off. She woke solo and we all got off the plane.
"What gate did they say?"
"E 35," I nodded and led the way.
"Is mama and them meeting us or do we need to catch an Uber?"
"Probably catch an Uber. Lani you okay?" Solange asked making me look up from my phone.
"Yeah I just feel a little nauseous. I'm cool tho," nauseous? Was she pregnant or sum? Nah probably just some other shit.

time jump...

Kehlani pov
March 18, 2022
"Dey bear. Come take a bath honey," I called out for my almost three year old. Yeah it's been some time. Three years ago on March 23rd, I gave birth to the most precious human being ever, Adeya Nomi Parrish.

She had every piece of whomever her donor was because although I saw the resemblance with a younger me, there were times where she looked like her complete own person

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

She had every piece of whomever her donor was because although I saw the resemblance with a younger me, there were times where she looked like her complete own person. Like that brownish hair of hers, I had not clue where it came from. She had the ultimate personality as well. Goofy, sweet, and so so intelligent. I got blessed with an amazing kid.
"Coming mom," I heard her little voice. I added her bubbles and made sure it wasn't too hot.
"Mom, You're the best mom," I melted at her sweet words.
"Thank you Dey. You're the best baby," I said as I placed her in the bath tub.
"Mom, can we talk about the universe? I love the universe," I was taken back by this. Adeya was too smart for her own good sometimes.
"Of course my love, what do you wanna talk about?"
"I think the moon and stars are so pretty mommy," I smiled, washing her up.
"They are, aren't they bear?" She nodded bow putting her attention on the toy boat she had in the tub with her. I smiled, I was truly so lucky to have Adeya as my daughter. She was so special to me and I wouldn't have it any other way. I got a notification on my phone saying someone was at the door. I looked at the ring camera and it surprised me to see my old friend Solange. I yelled out for Jhené and had her get the door. I continued bathing Dey, as I felt someone standing over me.
"It's not nice to stare Solo," I mumbled. She laughed a little.
"Hey Lani. This is the famous Adeya?" I nodded, still unsure of how I felt at the moment. When we had our little fall out I was heart broken because I truly loved Solange like we were sisters. And it was all over something so silly.
" I'm Adeya, you're pretty," she said making Solange gasp.
"Oh my gosh thank you baby. You're so beautiful. Lani she talks so well, she's three right?" I nodded.
"Just about, she'll be there next week," she nodded.
"We'll I'm gonna let you finish your mommy things, but can we talk after?" I nodded.
"Yeah forsure you can wait in the living room and turn something on the tv. I'll be down in about ten minutes," she nodded and dispersed.
"Who's she mom?"
"That's mommy's friend. That's your auntie Solo,"
"Auntie solo?" I nodded and she agreed. After getting her out the bath I got her lotioned and dressed, and she ran off to go play. Now time to face my own demons.

Excuse all errors
A'jah 💋

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