Chapter 3

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Beyoncé Pov
March 20th, 2022
"Solange, I swear we agreed we were going to not talk about that. I feel bad, but it's in the last," I said to my little sister who was pestering me as I tried to finish packing up. I was moving from California to Houston. I needed a change of scenery after the situation.
"I get that Bey, but seriously I think y'all need to talk. I saw their little girl today for the first time. She's adorable," she said I nodded as if she could see me.
"She's beautiful, I'm not surprised. I'm happy for them," I said as I taped up another box.
"No Bey you don't get it. Call Kehlani and ask her about the baby. Y'all said y'all only fucked once but that little girl is literally a perfect blend of y'all. Somethings not adding up,"
"Solange she was pregnant before we slept together remember?" I said to my goofy ass little sister.
"I get that . Idk somethings just not adding up. But shit atleast talk to them before you leave. Y'all need to give each other some closure or something. She's hurting bad and I know you're not doing the best either," I mumbled a yeah but I don't know if I was actually ready to talk to Kehlani, or if I'd ever be ready.

Kehlani pov
March 22nd, 2022
"Okay lemme so the backing vocals and than we'll be done," I told my producer as I checked on Adeya.
"Bear, are you okay baby?" I asked my baby. She looked up from her playdoh and smiled toothlessly.
"I'm okay mom," I giggled as I went into the studio. I was finishing recording the last song for my album. Yes my album. I decided to pick back up on my music dreams and self publish my mixtape, You Should be Here. I finished my backing vocals for me person favorite song and let my team go home. I stayed back a little playing with Dey and her playdoh before it hit me. I grabbed tue notepad and began letting everything flow from my head, through the pen, and onto the paper.

They say God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And as much as anyone can say how invincible I seem or how fearless I am or how brave I must be, I'm still human. And I've seen things and I've felt more pain than some will in their entire lives, all before the age of even being able to buy a fucking drink at a bar. But I have to be strong, not for myself but for a greater purpose, because I feel like my duty is far beyond me, you know? Beyond saving my family. It's for the world because somebody out there really needs to hear this. So to anybody who isn't here to see how far I've gone or how far I've yet to go. To family members that didn't make it or friends I lost along the way. Or maybe someone I gave my heart to that didn't know what to do with it. You should be here.

It was perfect. I felt like everything I had done up to the point led me here. I let everything go on that paper. I recorded that snippet and gathered Adeya and our things. With her on my hip I opened the door to the lace and was met with the one person who wouldn't leave my head. I froze in shock. She looked me dead in my eyes and sighed, before trailing down to Adeya.
"Hi I'm deya Nomi. Who are you?"
"Hi deya Nomi, I'm mommy's friend," she spoke making me chuckle and roll my eyes.
"Say bye Adeya," I said as I made a bee-line it the studio with oit giving her a second look. How dare she speak to my child like everything is just peachy keen right now. I buckled Adeya in her car seat and hugged a breath, irritated.
"Are you having big feelings mommy?" I couldn't even be mad anymore. This little girl knew just how to cheer me up.
"I was baby. I'm okay though. Are you okay?" She nodded and I closed her door. I turned around to go to my side of the car and there se was again.
"What do you want?" I spat out.
"Chill ma' you left this and I know it's your life. Relax Nami," she spoke, making me cringe at that nickname. I rolled my eyes, trying to snatch my phone back.
"Ugh! You play too much Shaina give me my phone so I can get to my child!" She surrendered and gave me the phone.
"Can we atleast talk? I miss you Kehlani," she pleaded. I opened my car door and got in.
"I'm sure you do," I closed the door and pulled off heading home.
"Hey bear. What do you want for dinner love," I asked, looking at her through my rear view mirror.
"Cake!" I laughed.
"Can we meet in the middle?" I asked. The biggest thing that I incorporate in my parenting is treating Adeya like she is her own human, because at the end of the day, she is. I give her options, in moderation and explain and talk to her about everything as if she was an adult. She nodded and I gave her my proposition.
"What about chicken tenders, French fries. And ONE cupcake for dessert?" She cheered and agreed. I pulled up to my house and noticed a familiar car in front of my house.
"God this must be Bring an ex to Kehlani day or something,"I said and I parked in the driveway and took my time getting Adeya out and our bags. I carried her on my hip and unlocked the door.
"Go pick out your Pj's dude. I'll be up to give you a bath soon okay?" She nodded and ran off. I than sat down the bags and walked back to the front door. I opened it and stared at Beyoncé leaning on her car. With her fine ass.
"How can I help you Beyonce?"she stood off the car and began walking to me. I panicked a bit and I felt the tears coming up.
"It's Bey she won't hurt you,"
"How do you know that? She could easily overpower you,"
"Beyoncé wouldn't treat me like that stop it!"
"Stop what Kehlani, All I said was hi," I heard that southern 'twang in her voice, snapping me out of whatever inner battle I was having. My breathing wouldn't slow down though I felt so anxious, it was like I was reliving that situation all over again.
"I-I breathe," was all I could get out. She reached out and hugged me tightly.
"Follow my breathing. Innnn, ouuuut, innnnn, ouuut," she repeated that two more times and my chest slowly seized heaving. I cried as she held me tightly.
"Mommy I got my pj's!" I heard my baby call out. I pulled away wiping my face and sniffling.
"I can't do this. You have to leave," I said as she looked shocked.
"Please I just wanted to say bye. I'm leaving Cali but I needed to see you one more time. And I really wanna meet yo-,"
"Hi I'm deya Nomi. Who are you?" I heard the tiny voice of my sweet girl. Beyoncé's eyes traveled to her and all of a sudden it was as if I no longer mattered, along with anything else in the world. Her attention was 1000% Adeya's.
"Hi princess. I'm BB," she introduced her self. Adeya cheese and held her arms out. She looked up at me.
"Can I?" I nodded and she picked up the toddler.
"Your hair is like Nala. Rawr!" Adeya animated as she touched Beyoncé's wildly curly hair. Beyoncé 'rawred' back at her making her birthday out onto a fit of giggles.
"I like you BB. Mommy can BB eat chicken tenders with me?" I looked at Beyoncé who shrugged. I nodded and held my arms out for her to give me my child. She passed me Adeya and she began whining.
"Nooo I want BB," I gave Her a look.
"Adeya, is whining how we express our selves?" I asked and she straightened up.
"Sorry mom. I'm frustrated because I want BB," she said. Beyoncé screwed her face up.
"Yo how does she talk like that?"
"Because she understands," I kept it short. This was about to be one long night.

Excuse all errors
A'jah 💋

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