Chapter 11

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Kehlani pov

I felt disgusted with myself. I barely could eat without puking it up, I didn't look in mirrors, cameras, windows; anything that would show my own reflection. I haven't been out my room in I don't know how long. I missed Bey but I can't see her right now. Part of me wants to blame her but I know that's not right. Part of me wants to blame Solange; if Solange never brought him around this wouldn't have happened. Only one thing stopped me from merely ending it all; my baby. I felt him or her kick this morning and it brought me a little awareness. I tried to eat because I know they need the food but I physically can't.
"Knock knock," I heard at the door I looked up from around the cover and saw Vic, or Victoria. Her and I had got pretty close after our song and she found me about to unalive myself earlier this week and hasn't let me out of her sight since. I groaned and pulled the cover back over my ears. She pulled it down and held up a bag.
"You need to eat or I'm going to have them put you under watch Kehlani," she threatened making me sigh. I truly did want to try but the thought alone of even eating made me want to puke. She opened the bag and handed me the styrofoam bowl of soup.
"It's from the little shop yo the street. Trusts me it's good. I get it all the time for Hazel," I nodded and sat up, to try and eat. I swallowed three spoonfuls before pushing it away. I felt like everything was gonna come back up.
"Have you talked to your girlfriend? Or anyone for that matter?" She asked wrapping her arms around me.
"No, I don't want to" I mumbled. She nodded.
"Can we talk about what's got you like this Hon?" She asked again. She was starting to frustrate me. I shook my head and gently pushed her away.
"Come back later. I wanna be alone," she nodded and inspected the room before standing up.
"I'm gonna call to check on you. Answer when I call please?" I nodded truthfully. I rolled over and plugged up my device that hand been dead for several days. When it finally peered on, it dinged uncontrollably and I dreaded looking at it. I silenced it and used my face to unlock it so I could read my notifications.

Missed FaceTime Honey❤️ - 25
Missed call Honey❤️ - 24
Missed FaceTime Vic - 7
Missed call Mom🫶🏽 - 38
Missed call Solocup🥤 - 105

I felt bad but I couldn't face talking to any of them. I looked at the date and my heart shattered over again l, realizing I had to start making arrangements for my mother's funeral. I felt the baby love and smiled a little.
"Mom loves you little dude. You just don't know, you saved me," I kissed my hand before placing it on my belly. I lifted myself out of bed, cringing at the pain. My legs were damn near numb. I roamed to the bathroom, and turned on the shower. I scrubbed my body until my skin was damn near Cherry. I sighed knowing I did too much. I couldn't help it though, I genuinely felt so dirty. After repeating that once more o cut the waiter and wrapped the fluffy white twos around myself. I walked out into the room and moisturized my body and got dressed. I placed on some sunglasses. I unlocked my phone and sent a text to everyone.

Hi. I'm okay, need time to myself.

I sent Beyoncé the same text but added a little more. I hate doing this but I can't continue to hurt her, because I'm hurting. I love her too much to do that.

Hi. I'm okay, need time to myself.
I love you but I can't continue hurting you, go find someone who can love you better. Good bye Honey❤️

I pressed send and then blocked her number.
"Let's go little dude. So much to do, so little time," I spoke to my belly as I buckled up and pulled off.
1 month later...

"Push a little harder sweetheart," I heard my midwife speak.
"Ahhh! Shit," I groaned in pain. It felt like someone was opening my vagina with a knife. I live my baby but I will never do this shit again. I pushed a few more times, before stoping to breathe.
"If you reach down, you can feel all the hair," she said. I did just that and gasped.
"Oh thank for I'm not having a bald headed baby," I joked a little making us laugh but that was short lived. I groaned in pain and pushed unwillingly. Next thing I knew, my baby was sliding out into my hands. I gasped realizing that I was indeed holding my child.
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," I cried out in awe. My midwife grabbed her from my trembling hands and placed her on my chest and smiled.
"A beautiful baby girl," I cried as I stared at her cute little face.
"Hi baby girl. I'm mommy, it's nice to meet you," she cried a little as she wiggled on my chest before calming herself down. Shay handed me a towel to wrap over her and I, and guided me through delivering the placenta. Moments later, she was cleaned up and we were laying in my bed together. There was a knock on the door frame and I looked up to see Jhené.
"Hey Nami. What'd we have?" She asked. I waved her in, and she sat on the floor next to my bed. I unwrapped her from the blanket and showed her the little hat that read:
Adeya Nomi

"Awe it's a girl! Hi deya I'm TT," she cooed as she played with her tiny feet. "I'm so proud of you sissy. Your gonna be an amazing mom," she said making me smiled as the tears fell.
"Thank you baby girl. I love y'all so much," I said, smiling. Life felt good right now. And that was all I needed; just me and my baby girl.

Welcome to the world, Adeya Nomi Parrish🤍

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Welcome to the world, Adeya Nomi Parrish🤍

Excuse all errors
A'jah 💋

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