"Calm down, okay?" Katsuki put a hand up. He pointed towards Mr Ryonku. "One by one, you first."

"Katsuki, I am glad you are honest. BUT WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING?! DO YOU KNOW WHY THIS SCHOOL EVEN LET YOU IN?! Because you were – WERE – one of the best students in Aldera Junior High, so now TELL me, WHY DID YOU DO IT?!" Mr Ryonku shouted. Katsuki looked at him straight in the eye and said something Izuku couldn't hear.

Katsuki was one of the best students in his last school?

Then what happened to him?


School Bookstore


"So uhm..." Izuku said awkwardly as he walked along the bookshelf with Katsuki on the other side doing the same thing. "Thanks for standing up to me in the offi-"

"Shut," Katsuki said. Izuku stopped talking at once and sighed as he continued to run his fingers over the books.

"So, I took away the letters you gave me and to that dumbass teacher, who did you give the last one to?" Katsuki asked. Izuku's eyes widened, and he started sputtering automatically. Katsuki frowned.

"SAY IT!" Katsuki demanded. Izuku cowered slightly before adjusting his hair.

"O-Ochak-ko..." Izuku stammered. Katsuki's eyes widened and he raised his arm threateningly, causing Izuku to cower back even more and shut his eyes tightly in fear. "I-I'm s-sorry! I r-regret it t-too!"

He felt the wind coming from Katsuki putting his arm down, so he opened his eyes again and sighed. He wanted to lighten the mood up, so he stood up straight and looked up.

"Hey! On the bright side, I'm a girl expert!" Izuku offered. Katsuki looked at him weirdly.

"Uh-huh, and how the fuck is that going to help me?" Katsuki asked, annoyed.

"I-I can h-help you understand m-more about Ochako!" Izuku proposed again. Katsuki's eyebrows twitched slightly, and he looked down.

"I'm listening," he grunted. Izuku smiled.

"So girls, especially like Ochako, are complicated. When they say they're okay, they're not okay. When they say they're fine, they're not fine. Similarly, if they say 'I'm so fat' to you all day long... Means they want you to say they're not fat..." Izuku trailed off. He thought of Ochako again, and sighed. Katsuki nodded.

"You're a girl expert," Katsuki said blandly. "But not a love one, are you?"

"O-oh, of c-course I am!" Izuku stammered. He knew he was not, but Mina was. He remembered some of Mina's quotes and decided to just recite them. "S-See, you wanna write her a love letter?"

"Maybe, maybe not," Katsuki hummed.

"Ochako's 'best friend' (who happens to be a bitch), Tsuyu, does not want any 'waste' love letters near Ochako. First, get all your characters right," Izuku said, remembering Katsuki's former letter. Katsuki tsked at the mention of that and nodded.

"You've gotta use good words, cau-" Izuku started. Katsuki cut him off with a raised hand and nodded, annoyed.

"This is the important part," Izuku stopped walking so Katsuki would stop too and listen. "You gotta talk more about her weaknesses... Like uh... round face, fake tone, uh... thick waist..."

"What. You sure?" Katsuki asked with a raised eyebrow. Izuku nodded confidently.

"Mhm! And in the end, add one last sentence..." Izuku smiled. He started to continue walking, and Katsuki followed his steps. "Even if that is so, I still really like you."

They both reached the end of the bookshelf, turning around and making accidental eye contact. Izuku stared up at Katsuki's piercing scarlet eyes, and Katsuki stared down. After two mere seconds, Izuku quickly shook his head and looked down awkwardly, bending to look for a poetry book.

"Here! Take this," Izuku shoved a Spanish and French poetry book into Katsuki's hand. "You could also use some foreign poem lines."

"Uh... Who's gonna understand this damn shit?" Katsuki asked, disgusted. Izuku rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"That's the point! The mystery in the letter is what makes it feel so good. C'mon, check it out!" Izuku explained. Katsuki's face of disgust faded away and he nodded, turning to go buy the book.

When Izuku made sure Katsuki's back was fully facing him, he bent down secretly to look for another book he wanted.

Aldera Junior High Yearbook...

(Sorry for this annoying A/N but omg four chapters in one day?! I guess I really am motivated for this book lmao -_-)

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