Concepts in a Library, Beginnings.

Start from the beginning

Vosh says, "So you mean I should use the [Symbols] to translate the [Value]s I perceive in my main body so my avatar can obtain the knowledge in a perceivable way. But how tho?"

Amanda suggests, "By learning [Math] and [Physics] already here in this world, after all, to translate those perceived [Values] from your main body into [Knowledge] that can be perceived by your [Avatar], you'll need to know more about how [Reality] works here from the perception of a species that evolved here. What better way to do that by studying what they've investigated about the world around them?" She places even more books in his hands, now unable to see properly and stumbling to keep them balanced.

Vosh asks, "That makes sense but I'm still confused about something. How does philosophy and numbers relate?"

Amanda starts to suddenly get annoyed, "That's something you'll have to learn about from the book. No more questions. I still have a headache whenever I try to understand that [Void] stuff and I just can't be bothered to speak anymore for now. As for how philosophy plays into this.... [Value] is a philosophical concept originally. It links deeply into philosophical themes such as the objective truth and perception of the world around us and the true nature of it. It's a long story and I've done enough lecturing today." Amanda turns him around with books still piled up past his vision and pushes him past the door.

Vosh asks, "Aren't you afraid of me tripping when you push me with my vision obscured?"

Amanda rolls her eyes, "You have the [Multivision] skill as a [Passive Skill] don't you? Your eyes can perceive more than just light that enters your eyes, if you focus hard enough. With that you can see through the books.

Vosh focuses his eyes and realizes that though it's dim he can in fact see beyond the books. He turns around to face her to test if it works on people as a test to find out it's usefulness, since he's only tried using it to look at two things at once. But is immediately surprised at what he sees.

"Uh. Amanda...." He asks timidly.

Amanda, suddenly feeling a chill run down her spine asks, "Yes Vosh?"

"I can see what's under your clothes." Vosh says, still staring at her chest.

Amanda glows for a second and suddenly Vosh can't see her naked anymore which confuses him. "Is it broken?" He thinks as he tries harder.

Amanda slaps him in the back of the head in anger, "Don't try harder you pervert!!! Seriously, only a few days old and you're already sexually harassing women!"

Vosh stops using the skill now that he realizes it only stopped working because of outside interference. He asks quizzically, "But didn't you say nudity is normal here?"

She sighs exhaustedly, "Yes! But we live together. You see, it's different from simply just showing your skin to a bunch of random strangers."

Vosh asks confusingly asks, "But stranger or not.... I'm still naked aren't I? Why is it ok if you were a stranger but not ok when we live together? And haven't you seen me naked already? Why can't I see you naked then?"

Amanda clarifies, "Because two people living together being familiar with each other's bodies only happens with people who have sexual relations!"

A pause of silence arrives, "What's sexual relations?" Vosh asks.

Amanda, doesn't bother answering and instead pushes him out the door in silence.

However she thinks to herself, "Like hell I'm explaining the birds and the bees to a child. I avoided having children for the exact reason of avoiding talks like this!"

Vosh hears the lock behind him and suddenly he's out in the hallway in silence. "Well, I better get to reading all this stuff I guess." He suddenly realized, he has an early morning.

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