Concepts in a Library, Beginnings.

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He stands in the corridor where the lights were still on and saw the door to the library a few meters away from him.

He opens the door to find a huge room rising up dozens of meters into the area lined with bookshelves and stairs leading to them.

"Isn't this room too tall for a building this size?" Vosh thinks to himself while looking around.

Bridges extending like webs from each floor obscuring the light from the top, dimming the light in the area except for one particular spot in the centre of the room.

Amanda wearing a white and loose fitting robe sits on a floating white blob of fluid like material, lays on her back with her glasses on while reading a book at the centre of the room.

"It looks rather squishy and comfortable doesn't it?" Vosh thinks to himself.

Amanda turns her head to look at him, "Oh you're here" she closes the book she was reading. "Welcome to my library that I've been building for three thousand years. It has knowledge that dates all the way back to when civilization itself was created and I add to it every week."

The blob suddenly spins to put her in a standing position then lowers itself onto the ground, allowing her to walk off towards Vosh.

She stands in front of him and pushes a book onto his chest and says, "I was rereading this basic physics book to see if it would be appropriate for beginners in physics. Because while I do think you possess some form of high tier knowledge of that.... [Void] I believe you called it? You're apparently still unknowing of the common sense of this [Reality], after all you didn't utter a single number or calculation in your explanation. Then it occurred to me, you said you only started existing in this reality a few days ago, implying you existed elsewhere..... Your last name which is "Void" correct? You were born within this very [Void] you explained, which explains why you seem to understand it so well. But I imagine that we perceive things differently between your human...... avatar(?) and your main body right?"

Vosh takes the book then asks, "How did you know?"

Amanda goes to retrieve another book as she gloats, "You underestimate our civilization it seems. Have you not realized we MADE this floating isle? I was on the team of Magi-Scientists that designed the [Autonomous Atlatude Engine] though I only worked on the [Alchemical Interface], I did pick up a couple things on neuroscience and particle physics. One of the things I learnt is that the way how we perceive things is quite limited. We see light that reflects off objects and not the objects itself, we can't imagine colors we've never seen before or higher dimensional objects. You, who has made and piloted a humanoid body have likely also realized this, right?" She finds another book, walks to him, places it on top of the first book in his hands. She leaves to retrieve another book.

Vosh while watching her replies, "Right. On my main body I perceive objects as they are and not just the light that reflects off of them, also [Causality] is rather vague in that perception and only through the limited [Common Sense] I was made with has allowed me to come this far in creating a proper avatar. As a result, there's still a large discrepancy on the information I know and the information I can use. As you said, a perception discrepancy."

Amanda gloats confidently once again, this time placing four books in his hands, "Well you're in luck! The way how humanity has been able to discover things outside of our perception (like higher dimensions) is through the science of numbers! In other words! Philosophy!"

Vosh pauses for a second thinking, "That.... Rubs my [Common Sense] the wrong way. Philosophy is the science of numbers? I thought that was math and physics?"

Amanda lectures, "Numbers are [Symbolic] representations of [Value]. The number "1" one can change in definition depending on what it symbolizes. For example; one cow and one band may be referred to with the [Number] "one" but they are not the same thing. The number "one" is a [Symbol] for an [Individual Value] but [Value] in itself is only determined by what's being perceived. For example; while I may count one cow someone may perceive it in a [Value] that isn't a cow, like one cow being seen as 400lbs of edible flesh and then another completely different person percieved it as a deformed bear with horns. Of course, that doesn't mean everyone is correct in their own way or anything, because while [Value] is [Subjective] to perception, there are some values that are [Objective] in nature where you'd be just plain incorrect to call them anything else. Those types of [Values] tend to be from measured quantities. Measured quantities are created when one records an object with an appropriate measuring instrument, they are not from random biased thoughts and exist outside of [Subjective Perception], tho not completely. But best not to think about that last part. Its rather irrelevant. But you get my point right?" She places even more books in his hands.

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