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this is a letter waluigi wrote to rosalina upon realising he hadnt sent her a letter in months. it may or may not read like a note that goes something like 'omg so sorry i didnt update in ages i got ran over by a bus lol <3' (i also made a reply but if you want to read that then it's in the 2 months of waluigi fic, chapter 12: reply)

Dear Rosalina,

I am incredibly sorry for not sending you a letter in ages. I hope you weren't worried I had died or something. Since March of this year, I've been on the most crazy adventures! I've been around our friends from the Olympics, the Mario brothers and Wario, a robot and a lombax and also, 2 teenagers behaving like teenagers do. Well, there's actually 5 teenagers, 4 of which are the exact same person. It's been a really weird 8 months (approaching 9).

There's the first person I ever met here, Jupiter_Clouds. They're determined on ending my life. They did give an apology, but I admittedly doubt it was sincere. Then, there's Ash/jupitercl0uds, who is literally another version of them. Ash currently has xyr friend staying round as well. He's called jup!ter!c!ouds!, but I've been told to call him Aaron or Alex. Alex is non verbal and at first comes off as shy but he can actually be quite confident (he's also very sweet). I think you two would be good friends.

Today, Ash and Alex have been upset over Jesse from Breaking Bad not actually canonically being trans. They were sad to realise there isn't actually a scene in which Walter takes him to get top surgery and now both of them have asked everyone to make a fandub of Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad where all of the things they've seen are actually canon. I requested a role without much speaking, so they cast me to be all of the background characters, along with Sticks. Aaron is writing the script, seeing as he can't read it, but he wanted to be Jesse, seing as he's (sort of) a trans man. Instead, they decided Orbot should voice him, though Tails might also do some of his lines.

Anyway, enough about what I've been doing, what have you been up to? Has anything big happened in the time I've been gone? I look forward to hearing about what's been happening with you. And, please, to make up for all the letters I haven't sent, could we go out together? Not on a date, obviously, but you get what I mean. In fact, I haven't been to the Mushroom kingdom in ages, so if you can, could we go there together to make up for lost time? I hope so.

From your WAnderful friend,



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bro for some reason when writing this i kept misgendering myself lol. does anyone else do that? for me at least ig its because ive never really had to use anything but the correct pronouns for myself and im still in the habit of referring to myself like that

also Knuckles would be the kid named finger because the names fit

waluigi says 'wa' everyday until dekuyama is popular || volume 4Where stories live. Discover now