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'I hate school I hate school I hate school...' wittered jupiter.
'I thought you said you quite liked it this year,' said Amy.
'Well, yeah, but not since lunch. I forgot a packed lunch and so I had to eat in the hall and wait in the school dinners queue and there were year 7s because they mixed us for some stupid reason and it was too loud and I got overwhelmed and I needed to use my headphones and get changed into more comfortable clothes but I couldn't because you're not allowed either of those things in school but the worst part was I had my headphones in my bag and I couldn't use them and I hate my uniform and I'm changing into my purple shirt and trousers.' They went upstairs.
'I see.'
Sonic began blasting Hello by OMFG for some reason. When Amy told him to turn it off, he instead played Moog City 2 by C418. Knuckles was enjoying it, so Amy decided not to intervene. That was, until Sakura Rou appeared out of nowhere.
'Hey! What are you doing here?' asked Amy.
'In all honesty, I don't know. Anyway, bye!' She did that ice in my veins pose while biting her lip and disappeared.

here are the emojis for xylo (seeing as youre using an mp3 player idk if you can see them)
'[demon thingy idk] GUYS [!? emoji] IT'S [mouth] YA [scream] BOI [3 cold faces] xXPR0_G4M3RXx [3 bit lips] HERE [thumbs up blank face combo] AGAIN [cisn't flag] WITH [monicle? monocle? idk] ANOTHER [that like emoji that uwu kids use but with tears] MINECRAFT [a guy being chased by a van] VIDEO [2 different shocked faces and glitter]'

ALSO I forgot to mention yesterday but I have a new fic relating to this. If you want to read, just check the collection.

context: the emoji translation is for someone who reads this fic on ao3. i kept it in because i may as well. the new fic is called '2 months of waluigi' which was a writing challenge where i had to write a second chapter to each one i wrote from when i started school until halloween. as of writing this, that fic isn't on wattpad, but check my profile if you'd like to read it because i may have posted it by the time you're reading this.

waluigi says 'wa' everyday until dekuyama is popular || volume 4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora