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hehehehehehe chapter 69

It was morning for the Prower household (it was called this because Tails paid for the house). The only people awake were the robots and Tails, who was wondering how he managed to get a mortagage at 8 years old and fixing the DVD rack. Orbot made his way upstairs to wake up the Jupiters for school. Not long after, neither got out of bed and instead just lay there, waiting for their bodies to tell them to get up.

'Making cookies for my KISS FROM A ROSE (bayayaaaa),' quietly sang jupitercl0uds. jup!ter! was in the same bed (it wasn't too awkward seeing as they were literally the same person) and hearing this wasn't very nice for his ears first thing in the morning, even if it was quiet. Nevertheless, they both got dressed and made their way downstairs to have butter on toast.

'Hi, Tails,' said jupiter, making there way towards him.
'Hi, Ash. Seeing as there's another one of you, I made some modifications to the toaster. The toaster can now toast 4 slices of bread instead of 2. If jup!ter!c!ouds! is anything like you, I'm sure he'll be chuffed.'
'Aww, thanks!'
'Have you noticed anything different?'
Tails just smirked and pointed up towards the chapter number. jupiter gave a cheeky little chuckle while jup!ter! was close to belly laughing.
Sonic made his way downstairs and gave Tails a bag.
'Have a good first day, Miles!' he said. 'I hope year 4 is a good year!'
'Shut up, you do this every time school is mentioned. Admittedly, it's never been mentioned in the morning, but that doesn't matter. And anyway, I wouldn't be in primary. I'd probably be in the same year as Ash.' Sonic continued anyway. Tails was now smiling, fixing the DVD rack as Sonic continued to rant about 'Wittle baby Miles'.

'It's me, the devil, I'm here to convince you to SIN 👹👹👹' said jup!ter!. He randomly said this sometimes.
'But again, I am the devil from THE BIBLE👹👹👹' said jupiter. Xe also randomly said that sometimes. In fact, both of them used both. However, this was mostly in school, so when Waluigi saw his friend talking about being the devil first thing in the morning, he was naturally shocked, and screamed a terrified 69th, 'WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!'

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