21) 1𝑠𝑡 𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑒! ♥︎

Start from the beginning

⦿) Wilbur: hiiii Phil! Y/n has told me what you've said in the groupchat. I haven't read it yet uh, you want us to come over?

⦿) Phil: oh yeah! I think it'd be a good idea to celebrate your guys dating you know? I was thinking that you two and me and Kristin could drink some wine you know and talk. I think you guys dating is just the coolest thing and I somewhat knew but wouldn't know it actually would happen!

⦿) Wilbur: aww thank you Phil first of all. I'm so happy myself. It does sound like a good idea! Alright we'll be there. When should we come over?

⦿) Phil: whenever you have time king. Just whenever you're free/can!

⦿) Wilbur: alright king! Will do! See you later man!

⦿) Phil: byeeee mate!
"And? What did Phil say?", I ask Wilbur, finishing my breakfast.
"We can come over whenever basically. Whenever we have time or are free", Wilbur says.
"Alright, I'm excited! So when do we wanna come over? Do you have anything to do before? Cuz I don't", I say, giving him a smile.
"Hmm not that I know of... but I wanna spend more time with you before we leave", Wilbur says, grabbing my hand and holding it.
"Gosh you're just so sweet", I blush, looking at him.
"I'm sorry I can't help it. I'm just so deeply in love with you...", Wilbur says, looking deeply into my eyes.
"I'm so deeply in love with you too!", I look him deeply in the eyes we well.
"You know what? Come here!", Wilbur says, getting up from his seat, grabbing me bridal style, spinning with me like that a couple of times.
"Oh my god! What are you doing?", I laugh, holding onto him as he spins with me.
"don't wanna be your softboy anymore... I wanna be yoourrsss...!", he stops spinning, looking at me with a big smile.
"and you're mine!", still laughing, I give him a kiss and hug him! He does the same back, before letting me down again.

Wilbur and me finally decided to head over to Phil's. Phil said we should just come over whenever we have time so it's not like we're coming to late.
We make ourselves ready, hopping into Wilbur's car and driving off to Phil's.
listening to some music as we drive, singing along a bit.
We arrived at Phil's house a while later. We get out of the car and knocked on his door. Phil opened the door not even 2 secs later, greeting us and wishing us again good luck and showing how happy he is for us.
"Come in guys!", Phil says as he lets us inside his house, where Kristin is already waiting too.
"Kristin, the 2 lovebirds arrived", Phil sarcastically said to Kristin, who comes over to us and gives us a hug.
"Aww I'm so happy for you guys! Literally the prettiest couple!", Kristin says, which makes us both blush.
"Let's sit in the garden, shall we?", Phil says, so we follow him in his garden area.
Phil's garden is quite big, and beautiful.
We all take a seat while Kristin serves us some wine and other drinks.

"So you guys are dating now?", Phil asks Wilbur, to which he nods in agreement.
"Yes! I have asked her to be my girlfriend yesterday. We had it quite romantically in the rain. It was her idea tho, not mine", Wilbur says, giggling.
"POG, was it?", Phil asks me.
"Yeah! I actually- alright so I had planned to have a talk with him about what are we now, you know? And about my feelings to him and it all just sorta happened. I then suggested we should dance in the rain... we did it and then we kissed each other and that's how we confessed our feelings", I explained.
"Aww POG! That's really wholesome. Dancing in the rain?", Phil says.
"Oh yes! I have always wanted to do this and well, I took that opportunity", I giggle.
"I would have never thought- I mean I sorta felt it cuz you guys have just been so close these couple of months but I'd have never truly thought you guys ended up together", Phil giggles.
"I think Phil, we had always liked each other but were too shy to say something or do the move. I was definitely intrigued by her, the first second I've seen her and just being in her presence calmed me down and made me feel good", Wilbur says while softly grabbing my hand to caress it.
"I actually met Wilbur in a coffee shop and I was immediately drawn to him. Something about his presence made me feel so comfortable, safe and good. But I was quite insecure and I didn't wanna rush things so I took it slower, but my feelings for him grew", I explained to Phil while looking at Wilbur with a smile.
"Way too wholesome! Aaaah stop it! My heart! You guys are definitely made for each other", Phil says, while taking a sip from his wine.

We spent about 3 more hours at Phil's house, talking, laughing, listening to music, drinking wine and having a good time.
After 3 hours, we left his house cuz Wilbur wanted to  tell me what his surprise was he had planned for me earlier. I WONDER WHAT IT IS....
We tell Phil and Kristin goodbye and drive off.
"Y/n, you probably are wondering what I've been planning for us two tonight, right?", Wilbur says, still fixating on the road.
"Yessss??? What is it??", I excitedly ask!
"Well, I've planned a romantic dinner, only for us two! At the fanciest restaurant in Brighton I know. So I thought we could drive home now, change into some fancy clothes and I'll take you out, on basically a date", Wilbur says, glancing over to me every once in a while".
"OH MY GOD- Wilbur that's so romantic! And sweet! You're taking me out on a date? A proper date???", I say in disbelief but overwhelmed with happiness.
"Of course sweetheart, anything for you! And I love you, so much! I thought it'd be really romantic", he gives me a quick smirk, caressing my leg with one hand.
"I love you so much! You're such a gentlemen!", I excitedly say, caressing his hand on my leg.

Wilbur and I had been driving back to his apartment, changing into some fancy clothes and then we drove to the fanciest restaurant in Brighton.
The restaurant from the outside was white with the entrance having some sort of roof. If you walk in, you have literally a red carpet laid out, really fancy lights and decorations, with also a functioning fountain! It's like a Hollywood restaurant.
As we walked in, Wilbur walked over to the bar of the restaurant.
"Hi! I reserved a table for 2 on Soot", he said and the guy showed him the table.
"You have reserved us a table?!", I whisper to him, really surprised.
"Of course darling, I wanted us to have the best spot", he whispers back.
"My gosh can you get any sweeter?", I whisper.

We take a seat and 2 mins later, a guy with a champagne bottle came over to us, handing us the bottle with 2 glasses. He even filled our glasses for us! Very fancy!
We take our glasses and cling them together.
"Cheers to my beautiful girlfriend and our first date!", Wilbur says as he clung our glasses together. 
"Cheers to my beloved boyfriend and our first date!"? I repeat and take my first sip. Delicious!
A few mins pass by when a waitress come over, handing us their menu card.
We politely say thank you and take a look on what we want to eat.
After looking at the card for a while, I decided to get [your favorite meal]!
"I'm going with that! How about you?", I ask Wilbur, as I've shown him my chosen meal.
"Ooh that looks absolutely delicious! Well, I think I'll take this one!", Wilbur says, pointing at the stuff he wants to order.
"Yummy! Lets take it!", I tell him to which he nods.
"Have you guys decided yet?", the waitress asks us.
We place our order and the waitress walks off with a smile.

While we're waiting on our meals, we have been laughing, talking a lot, holding each others hands and just have a good time. We also started to talk about some future plans cuz Wilbur wants to go to the studio tomorrow and pitch the idea about practice gigs to the other lovejoy members - which I absolutely support.
"Will you join me tomorrow? I think you'd like them", Wilbur says with a smile. Ofc I say yes!
"POG! I'm so grateful you're supporting me on this journey!", Wilbur's smile grew bigger.
"I'm always here to support you love! And I'm so happy you're doing what you love, that you're taking the next steps and you're showing your talent to the world", I say with a smile, which makes him giggle.
"You're the best! Seriously you are! No wonder why I've fallen for you", he kisses my hand softly, holding it still.
"No YOU are the best! I've fallen for you as well", I look at him deeply, smiling at him really bright.

About 30 mins later, our food arrived and we started to eat!
"Enjoy your meal my lady!", Wilbur winks at me with a smile.
"You too king!",I give him a wink and a smile back!

After we had finished our meal, we kept staying at the restaurant for a little more, finishing our wine and just having some conversations, before Wilbur decided to pay.
He paid and then told me he has one more thing we wants to do - and that thing is going to the beach for a little walk and watching the moon.
We left the restaurant and drove back to beach, taking a walk.
Hand in hand, we took a walk at the beach, enjoying each others company, before we decided to take a seat, watching the bright full moon tonight.
The reflection of the moon can be seen in the ocean.
I leaned my head in his shoulder while he wraps his arm around me.
"This is absolutely beautiful", I tell him, with a smile.
"Right? Especially with you here", Wilbur says, caressing my back.
"I love you so much Wilbur, you make me so happy! This day was absolutely amazing!", I cuddle myself on him, closing my eyes for a moment, enjoying every moment I spend with him.
"Oh beautiful, I love you so much too! You make me the most happy. I'm so happy to have you here. You mean the absolute universe to me!", Wilbur says, leaning his head on mine.
I lift up my head to look at him and in that moment,our lips met once again. I pull him closer to me and hold on close on me - he does the same.

After 5 mins we slowly break the kiss and return back to cuddling under the moonlight.
We remained on the beach for a few more moments, before we headed back home to his apartment. We both became slowly more tired.
Keeping our arms around each other, we walk back to his apartment.
Once we arrived there, we made ourselves ready for bed, took a quick shower before going to bed.
We'd kiss each other a few more times before falling asleep in each others arms.
"Goodnight beautiful! I love you so much", Wilbur says with his tired voice.
"Goodnight Wilbur! I love you so much too!", I say, yawning before closing my eyes and drifting off with Wilbur's arms around we around mine.
I have never felt more happy and comfortable than I do right now!
Words: 2805 ♡

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