Pink Beach Club

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I guess I fell asleep on the plane because the next thing I knew I felt the plane touch down on the ground. I nudged Mel to wake up.

"What was that for?" She asked sleepily.

"We are here. Get up off your arse and get off the plane."

She sighed and pulled her carry on out of the compartment. She walked on to the platform and proceeded to the luggage claim. I watched her as she looked for her luggage.

"Mel our luggage is over there," I said pointing over to another luggage claim.

"Why didn't you tell me that I was looking in the wrong place?" She whined.

"I wanted to see you suffer," I answered laughing.

She hit me in my shoulder.

"Haha very funny," she said. "You think you’re so tough, you go get the luggage your self and I'll stand here and laugh at you when you can't pick it up."

"Oui oui Mademoiselle," I said.

"That has got to be the worst French accent I have ever heard," she said with her arms across her chest.

I ignored her and got the luggage out of the claim and walked outside to get a taxi.

"Tom why did you fly us in so late? Its 2:30 in the morning here."

"I don't know. I felt like it."

She looked at me and shook her head. We haled a cab and went to the hotel.

We pulled up to the hotel and Mel let out a huge scream. I had had to place my hands over my ears because the scream was that loud.

“Tom,” she said brimming from ear to ear and grabbing my shirt with both her hands. “Do you know where we are?”

“But of course,” I said in the same cheesy French accent.

“This is the Pink Beach Club. I always wanted to go here.”

Mel raced out of the cab and didn’t even let the person open the door for her. As I finally caught up with her in the lobby she was making all these weird noises. She was like laughing really weirdly I guess you could say. I think she was really excited.

“Tom this is amazing,” she said.

“I know it is.”

While Mel roamed the lobby I checked us in. The concierge showed us where we would be staying. The hotel was set up in my opinion awful weird. Basically it was like a bunch of little cottages on one big plot of land. Of course I picked the biggest one they had. Only the best for Mel.

 The concierge placed our luggage down. “Happy honeymoon,” he said as he left.

Mel and I started laughing hysterically.

After that was done, Mel sighed and wrapped her arms around my neck. “You know what,” she said. “Now we are finally alone. No people, No guys, and no Annie.”

We stared at each other for a long time.

“Well, I’m going to start unpacking,” Mel said.

“I guess I’ll do the same.”

I started to unpack on the other side of the room when I heard Mel scream for a second time today. But this time I think it was a legit scream of fright.

“What is it?” I said walking up next to her.


I looked down into her suitcase to find one of the lingerie tops she had brought on top of all her other clothes.

“Hmm.” I said. “Where did that come from?”

“Tom I swear I didn’t…” She stopped and changed her facial expression rather quickly.

I think we both knew who was responsible.

“Annie. But, how the hell did she get in my suitcase I had it with me all the time,” Mel said gridding her teeth. “You know I can hear that little jerk laughing right now as we speak. I’m going to get her,” Mel said as she whipped out her phone.

I gapped the phone out of her hand.

“Give me my phone,” she said.

“Nope,” I said raising it so far above her head she would never get it.

“Geez Tom give it to me.”

“I’m installing a rule from now on as long as we are here no cell phones.”

“Why?” she asked with a taken back look on her face.

“Because, I realized we aren’t truly alone until we ditch our cell phones.”

“Fine. I’ll turn it off and leave it off for the rest of the two weeks.”

After she turned her phone off she yawned, “I don’t know about you but I’m beat.”

“Let’s go out clubbing.”

“No Tom. Let’s go to bed.”

I licked my lips.

“No Tom, sleeping together on the first night of a vacation is so cliché.”

We both laughed and I striped down to my boxers. Mel rummaged through her suitcase.

“Damn that Annie. I only have this thing to wear.” She took out what Annie had put in her suitcase and looked at it in disgust.

She shivered. “Would you take me seriously in this thing?” she asked.

“Probably not,” I said smiling. “But you know you don’t have to wear anything to bed if you rather do that.”

“Hell no.”

“Mel I have seen you naked more times than I can remember.”

“Oh really two times is a lot for you isn’t it?” she said laughing.

“When we where kids-”

Her whole facial expression changed and she interrupted me, “Thomas, how many times did you look in the bathroom when I was showering?”

“Once…maybe twice…”

“You little pervert. Your lucky that you didn’t tell me that before I came on this trip with you. Your also lucky that I find that flattering.” She flashed me a mischievous smile and went to change.

I climbed into bed and about ten minutes later she came out in the lingerie.

“Don’t laugh Parker. It’s not funny,” she said as she climbed into bed.

I put my arm around her waist. “Hey,” I said with realization, “at least with this top I can actually feel your hips because usually when you wear your sweats to bed I can’t feel anything.”

“Go to sleep. I don’t really care at the moment.”

I laughed and fell asleep with Mel in my arms.         

I'm in LOVE with my 'brother!?' A Tom Parker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now