4 - Daycare

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Victor then picked up Baby Brett who was sad to have to stop playing. Brett had an idea. He thought "I wish I had to talk and crawl like a baby." and he clicked the Device. "Wh~were we gwoing vwictor~ (Where are we going Victor.)" he asked. Victor re-assured him, "We have to get you dressed for daycare!" Brett replied "Owh, otay! (Oh, okay!)" without hesitation.

Victor picked out a Spiderman Romper or a Spongebob Romper, "Which one would you like to wear?" Victor asked Brett. "Spwidermwan! (Spiderman)" Brett said without hesitation. Victor put Brett inside of the romper, making sure to button up the back where Brett's diaper was.

Victor then packed a bag with a couple of diapers, wipes and then headed back downstairs. "Come on Sam, we're going to daycare now!" Victor said and got replied with a "Coming!" by Sam. Victor took them both into the Car, and set up the baby seat for Brett, making sure it was strapped in.

Victor then began driving towards the Daycare where he worked, and where Sam was a attendant. They then arrived there and Sam helped to unstrap Brett. Victor carried Brett up to the front desk, "Go play Sam, Brett will be there soon." Victor got Brett all signed in as he was a new attendant to the daycare.

Victor set Brett down near Sam and Brett crawled to Sam, "Hwey bwig bwother! (Hey big brother!)" he said. Sam asked "Do you wanna play with me, Baby Brett?" and Bret nodded. Brett began playing racing cars with Sam, crawling around everywhere.

Time flew by whilst Sam and Brett playing. Brett wanted to speed things up a bit. "I wish I had full bowels but I can't release it till I squat and push" Brett didn't usually wanna do this but he wanted some attention from Victor. Sam's stomach started aching and he started squatting and pushing all the mess into his diaper. Brett then sat back down, spreading all the mess in his Diaper.

Victor came back into the room "Lunch time." and he smelt the room. "Oh, does anyone know who has messed themselves?" Victor questioned and nobody responded. Victor started inspecting everyone, checking the back of the diaper or sniffing it, depending on what they were wearing till it came to Brett, Victor unsnapped his Romper and he could clearly see that Brett has made the mess.

Victor then picked Brett up, took off his diaper and gave him a quick bath. Once Victor was done he taped on a much thicker diaper onto Brett to prevent any leaks that day and brought him back into the general room.

Victor then handed out some snacks to all the children in effort to not disrupt their playtime. Brett then continued to play with Sam till the end of the day.

Nearing the end of the day, Sam needed to go to the bathroom and Victor took him, and Sam made it on time and pulled up his pullup. "Nice! You'll be in big boy pants like me in no time!" Victor told him.

This made Brett a bit jealous, he wanted to be more grown up like Sam. The day swiftly ended and Victor took them both home, and it was time for Brett's bedtime. Victor made a warm bottle for Brett and carried him up. Victor set Brett down in the crib and let him suckle on the bottle at his own time this time.

Brett suckled on it whilst Victor told him a story and fell asleep due to the wish he just made. "I wish that I would fall asleep and wake up whenever Victor waked me up." and he pressed the button.

Victor kissed Brett on the head, "Night night, baby" and turned the light off, closed the door and headed to the guest room once again.

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