Chapter seven: Hades

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It's been one week since the party,one week since I met Persephone.

I've just been in a funk since then.

My whole life I've had reoccurring nightmares of Kronos, the titanomachy, and just loneliness. But this past week I've had,dreams,weird dreams.

They have Persephone in them.

I put down the paper that I was supposed to be falls off of my desk.

I should be working, but something keeps stopping me. I've always been kind of depressed,mainly because of my loneliness,but this is something else.

I wish I could see her again.

*knock! Knock!*

The knocking pulls me out of my trance, and I sit up.

"Come in!"

The door opens and in walks Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft and magic,and my right hand.

"Hades." Her pearly white hair floating around her,like a cloud, in a way that always confuses me.

"What is it Hecate?" Her violet eyes glow as she picks up the fallen paper.

" the fates have stopped by. They want to speak with you." She says with a slight grin,she knows something, but she's not going to tell me anything.

"Also after your done with that I wish to speak with you."

"Oh,of course. Why is it that the Fates are here?"

"Oh I don't know, you should go now it's best not to keep the Fates waiting." The goddess of witchcraft says with a smirk.

"Of course." I stand up and walk swiftly to the door, I walk out and go to my throne room. I don't know what the fates would possibly have to say to me.

I walk into the throne room and,sure enough, there are the fates,or the Moirai more formally. Facing away from me.

" hello Aidoneus" says one one of them, as they all turn around. I've never been very fond of my old name since it reminds me of my past, but the fates have still ended up calling me it.

" hello Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos. What is it that you needed to speak with me about."

"Just wanted to inform you of an increase of souls in the near future, thought you might want to prepare." Says Clotho, the spinner, with a mischievous grin, her amber eyes illuminating dangerously.

"Is...that all?" I ask, already worried about the severity of this "increase of souls."

"No." Says Lachesis,the allotter, calmly. Atropos,the unturnable, lightly "shoves" Lachesis in the arm.

"What my sister means is no, we have nothing else to tell you." Atropos says through gritted teeth.

I highly doubt that.


"We'll take our leave, we know you still have plenty of sulking to do." Says Clotho, her eyes still glowing. The fates then disappear in a burst of  golden light, leaving nothing behind but a shit ton of questions.

"So did the fates say Anything...interesting?" Says Hecate's cool voice from behind me.I turn around to face her.

"No, just a soul influx soon."

"Really? Nothing else?" Hecate says sounding surprised.


"Oh nothing, just curious."

"What we're you wanting to talk to me about?"

",when we're you going to tell me about the goddess you met at that party a few weeks ago?" Wha- oh my gods I SWEAR Hecate read minds or something, which to be fair wouldn't be surprising,but,still.

"How did you-"

"I had a vision. Anyway, it explains your extreme sulking. You should tell someone about it"

"What? No-

" you know, maybe you should go up to Olympus and visit Hera she would like to know about this."

"Why would i go up to Olympus just to see Hera? And i don't need to tell someone else about this!"

— — — — —

*one hour later, Inside Olympus' royal palace. the sun is annoyingly bright."

Ugh. I can't believe Hecate talked me into this! Not to mention I'm basically trespassing since I didn't get an invitation.I should just go home.

"Hades? What are you doing here, in my palace no less?"

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