Ch. 2 - wrong cup

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"Y/N, wake up! Wake up alreadyyy." You open your eyes to see your group mate Lisa sitting at the edge of your bed, shaking your legs to wake you up.

"Ughh what do you want?" You whine as you lightly kick her bum off the bed and pull the sheets back over your head. "It better be important if you're interrupting my beauty sleep." You mumble under the covers.

"Well do you consider your scheduled meeting with the Music Core MC important?" Lisa huffed as she pulled down the sheets to expose your face.

Oh god. You had totally forgotten about that.

"Shit, what time is it?" You bolt up and check the clock.

"7:28am dumbass." Lisa sneered as she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at you. The two of you always bickered non-stop, but that was only because you cared for each other so much. Lisa was the only person who truly understood you and you felt comfortable enough to argue with her without any hard feelings.

"Fuck, I'm going to be late! I'll just throw something on real quick, could you hand me my hoodie?" You scramble around the room trying to brush your teeth, change your clothes, and do your makeup all at once.

"Look who's wide awake now!" Lisa snickered as she handed your hoodie over. "Skip the makeup babe, it's not a formal event or anything, there won't be any cameras."

"Right, right," you agree with her until you look over at your reflection in the mirror to see a literal zombie staring back at you. "Oh my god I look like death." You wail in desperation. These long nights of recording and practicing had left you sleep deprived for days.

"You'll be fine, it's not like there's anyone to impress." She pauses before mischievously appearing in the mirror behind you. "Unless, you're trying to impress Hyunjin?" She smirks while tapping her fingers on your shoulders.

"Girl, you know how I feel about boys right now." You glare at her in the reflection with an unamused expression. You had confessed to her all your sorrows from your situation with Jaehyun and how you wanted nothing to do with men from here on out.

Lisa giggles as she turns you towards her. With a makeup brush she starts applying concealer under your eyes. "I'll take care of your eye bags, just finish brushing your teeth so you don't smell like death too."

After getting ready in a record time of 14 minutes, you give Lisa a quick hug, thanking her for helping you this morning and then dart out the door. Luckily your meeting was just down the street at your company building, and you could get there on time. You even make a quick stop at the cafe downstairs to get some much needed caffeine.

With an iced americano in hand, you enter the meeting room and are surprised to be the first one there. Finally getting a moment of peace during this hectic morning, you plop down on a chair next to the window, admiring the street view below you.

After a few minutes, you hear a faint knock on the door. A masked man wearing a black cap who you assume to be Hyunjin peeks through the crack before slowly entering. He wore a navy blue T-shirt, tucked neatly into a pair of baggy vintage jeans secured with a black belt.

"Hello, I'm Hyunjin." The tall figure politely bows his head before taking the seat across the table from you.

He set his cup on coffee down and removed his cap to run his fingers through his long blonde hair. You silently admire how good his hair looks with minimal styling and feel jealous thinking about how you had given up on trying to tame your unruly hair this morning, opting to gather it into a messy bun instead.

Then Hyunjin removed his mask and revealed the most gorgeous set of lips you'd ever laid eyes on. They were pink and plump, turned up in a small smile as he gazed at you. You wonder if they felt as soft as they look.

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