Ch. 14 - all yours

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It was the night of the ultra-glamorous, star-studded event that was Yeji's birthday party, and you still had no idea what to wear. All you knew was that Yeji was going to look gorgeous, probably in a sparkling custom dress that would scream "today is my day" to anyone who wasn't aware of what the occasion was. You also knew that she expected the same energy from all her guests to arrive at the party in their very best attire, and you wouldn't hear the end of it if you disappointed her.

Fumbling through your closet, you pull out a velvet black number. It was simple yet timeless, a short dress that stopped mid-thigh with straps that fell off your shoulders. It hugged your figure perfectly, giving you a sensual silhouette while maintaining an elegant aura. You step into the dress, delighted to find that it still fit and was comfortable enough to move around in.

Studying your reflection in the mirror, you decide that your bare neck and shoulders were missing an adornment, so you search your vanity for some jewelry. Frustrated that you couldn't find anything to go with your outfit, you wander over to Lisa's room to steal a necklace. She was also getting ready, face inches away from the mirror as she carefully applied her mascara. She had opted for a short dress as well, burgundy in color with ruched fabric that accentuated her curves. You always admired how Lisa was able to make anything look expensive with her tall and lean physique, and today was no exception.

"Ooh someone's looking sexy. Trying to find a man tonight or what?" You playfully tease.

"Shut up. You're the one dressed like a hooker." Lisa rolled her eyes.

You scoff at her remark. "I am not dressed like a hooker." You spot a dazzling emerald pendant on Lisa's desk and reach to fasten it around your neck. "See? I just needed some jewelry to finalize my classy look."

"Sure, sure." She returned to applying her makeup. "If you didn't have a boyfriend, I'd accuse you of trying to seduce all the guys with that impossibly short dress."

"Excuse me, but your dress is no longer than mine!" You grumble. "And he's not my boyfriend...yet."

Lisa pauses to look at you through the mirror, shaking her head in disbelief. "You're telling me that after all the drama you went through to realize that you like each other, you're still not together?"

You bite your lip. "We're together, just...taking it slow."

"I swear, if you guys break up again I am not lending you any more of my sympathy."

"We won't break up this time." You groan. "I just haven't found the right time to ask him to be my boyfriend."

"Why not tonight? I know you're both whipped for each other so you might as well cut to the chase and be official." Lisa shrugs.

"I'm still trying to win him back and besides, we're doing things properly this time."

"Properly?" Lisa raises an eyebrow.

"Like, doing everything in order instead of jumping into things impulsively. I've learned my lesson with the whole friends with benefits deal and it's safe to say, I'm never doing that again."

"So you aren't fucking him?"

"No, not until we feel more secure with each other." You mumble.

Lisa bursts into laughter. "Well good luck trying to keep his hands off of you in that dress. If you wanted to be all innocent tonight, maybe you should've dressed more conservatively."

You glare at her. "I'm dressed for a birthday party!"

"I'm just teasing." She smiles. "You look beautiful, you always do."

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