Finding Understanding

Start from the beginning

Ivy held up her hands but smiled. Sophia didn't see how her request for personal boundaries could be taken so lightly. If this girl made a similar request, Sophia would take it seriously. That was what respectful people did, give boundaries that others could adhere to.

"Come on," Ivy said. "Tell me what is between you two. I saw the photos and I know I saw a connection yesterday."

"I don't see how this is any of your business."

"Oh I know but I'm seriously so curious!"

"And your curiosity means you somehow have a right to my personal information?" Sophia wondered if the girl saw the gapping flaw in that logic. "What's your social security number?"

"Why would I tell you that?" Ivy asked, startled.

"I'm curious."

Ivy stopped walking, regarding Sophia with an expression she was starting to get used to. It looked like a mix of confusion and something else that she still didn't understand.

"People were right, you're kind of cold."

"I'm cold for keeping my personal information private?" Sophia contemplated this and found peoples' assumptions didn't matter to her. She wouldn't give up something she didn't feel comfortable giving out for the sake of other's opinions. "Okay."

Sophia walked away and fortunately the girl didn't follow.


Sophia walked along the aisle, studying the line of biographies for a name that sparked some interested. Tugging out one about Madam Currie, she continued on. As she reached the end, she proceeded to the next row but stopped. Sitting in the corner with his arms resting on his bent knees and his head on his arms was Zander. Sophia stood there stuck with uncertainty.

Zander raised his head. "Oh hey."

"Do you want me to leave?" she asked.

His drooping expression lifted. "Are you offering to stay with me?"

"No, I wondered if I should go to another section of the library."

"Oh." Zander perked up. "If I asked you to stay with me, would you?"

"I don't know, I'd have to hear the question and see how you looked to decide my answer."

Zander widened his eyes and gazed up at her with a look Sophia could only equate to that of a lost puppy.

"Will you stay with me?" he asked.

"I don't know what I could do for you."

"Sit next to me."

Sophia hesitated, not knowing how that would help him in his current predicament. Whatever that predicament was.

But he looked like he needed someone and so she sat. Maybe someone's presence could be comforting. Sometimes she simply sat with her father and that felt nice.

"You should know I don't know how to comfort you," she said.

"Can I hold your hand?" Zander asked.

Sophia didn't see how that would do more than her sitting there but still she gave him her hand. Zander laced his fingers around hers.

"Wow it's like a limp piece of lettuce," he said.

With his other hand, he curled her fingers to close around his hand. Sighing, he rested his head back against the bookcase and closed his eyes. Since her part seemed to have been completed, Sophia opened the front flap of her book and read the synopsis.

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