"Chapter 2: Insiders Info"

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Kovu panted softly as he swatted Vitani, absolutely hating this part of the day, "Remember, aim for the eyes!" he heard his mother yell but he didn't want too harm his own sister, he let her pin him instead, his ears flopping down once he heard his mom growl, "You had failed you're training again, we will never be able to kill Simba if you continue to be weak," she scowled at him as Vitani got off, "Mother, maybe it will help him if he fought someone other than me," she says - only to receive a scary look from Zira which made her back up, "We will try this again tomorrow," she growled before she started walking off. 

Kovu looked down as he got up, feeling bad for disappointing his mom, "Don't think on it too much Kovu, I know you're a lot stronger than what you're putting on," Vitani says as Kovu smiled at her, "Thanks sis," he says before looking back out, still remembering his promise to Kion, "I'm going to take a drink at the watering hole," he says before going off, he still had time before sun-set to figure out what was going on.  

Kovu sighed as he walked, "Where should I even start? I don't know that many creatures in the out lands," he muttered too himself before seeing his mother walk into a volcano and tilted his head, "I guess that'll be a good place to start, alright, I can do this, I'm sneaky," he muttered before slowly going in after his mother, hiding behind a rock once he got in there as he saw Hyenas, jackals - 2 lizards and...No, it couldn't be, he was suppose to be dead. 

"You have failed me again!" Scar growls as the Hyena's whimpered, "It's not our fault! It's like something is stopping us!" Janga says "Enough!" Scar interrupts angrily, Kovu curled up, trying to keep quiet - knowing he was dead if he was spotted, "This time Zira will lead, her lioness will make a distraction in the pride land tomorrow, Hyena's will cause a fake distraction while the rest of you take over! We will succeed bit by bit," he says as Zira smirked,  "We won't fail you, Scar," she says.

Kovu gulps before he snuck out through the opening, feeling his heart beating fast as he did so. If he were to tell Kion this, it will surely earn his trust - and it's not like Zira would ever find out his double crossing them if he were to be careful, he took a deep breathe, seeing it was almost sun down, and knowing this was something he had to do. He ran back to their old watering whole, the one they stole from the Hyena's, but it was dry season now - it was dried up, so the Hyena's didn't have a need for it. He sat down as he waited for Kion to arrive, constipating himself before he felt himself roll over as he was pinned yet again by Kion, "Hello," he says playfully, and Kovu didn't understand why - but he felt funny in the moment, "Hello~" he responds as he looked into Kions eyes before chuckling, "So do you wanna hear what I have to say or are you just gonna stand on me?" he asks and Kion felt himself heat up a little before going back down, allowing Kovu to stand, "Sorry, so what did you find out? Did you find out anything?" he asks 

Kovu laughed at his eagerness, "Perhaps I found something that is probably worth hearing, but first I need you to promise me something," he says as Kion tilted his head, "What?" he asks as Kovu took a big breathe and looked at him, "Tell no one about this, it stays between you and me. Our meetings, me giving you information, not even your friends can know," he says and Kion thought for a moment, he knew he had to trust him in order to be one step ahead, he nodded, "Deal." he says as Kovu nodded, "Good," he says before looking around, just to make sure no one was there, "Scar is back," he says and Kion gasped, his expression changing, "Scar? Are you sure? How is that possible?!" he asks as he paced around 

Kion took a deep breath before saying, "This is bad Kovu," he says as the lion watched him, "It gets worse, the Hyena's, jackals, crocodiles - even my mom are all teaming with him. There going to setup an attack tomorrow, with my  moms lioness as a distraction, Janga's as a second fake distraction while the crocodiles and Jackals take over the lake and zebra land," he explained and Kion nodded, taking in all the information, "I knew they couldn't be the one's actually coming up with the plan, but the fact that scar is leading them," he took a deep breath, "I will get the lion guard ready for a fight. Thank you Kovu, do you think you can continue this?" he asks as Kovu thought, his ears going down as he did, "I'm already betraying my clan telling you this," he says as he looked at Kion, "But anything I can do to help the circle of life, I know it's important," he says and Kion smiled, "Thank you Kovu, you're different. I'll make sure my dad sees that after this is over, I promise," he says as he nuzzled him, Kovu blushed softly as he nuzzled him back, feeling warmth as he did, "Thank you, Kion," he says with a purr and Kion chuckled, "I'll see you tomorrow, Kovu," he says and Kovu nodded, "Good luck!" he says as he watched the lion head back to the pride lands, and he walked home himself, thinking about what had just happened as he did.

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