"Chapter 4: Help"

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Kovu looked around him, seeing there was absolutely no way out of this one - he was bait. Zira had hurt his leg so he couldn't get up and move, and he was being watched by two lioness that once used to be his family. He looked down, hoping that Kion was careful, if he did decide too save him - which he had honestly hope he wouldn't. He got himself into this mess so blinded, at first - it was too see Kiara again, but now...He just couldn't get Kion out of his head, his voice, how he always managed to pin him down, nuzzling him - it all started to be clear to him that he had feelings for the lion, but now was probably too late to admit it, he probably didn't even like him back, he was probably just using him for info, but than again - what if he wasn't? He smiled thinking about it, what they could be if they actually survive this. 

One of the lioness saw this and growled at him, "You think this is all just fun and games? Betraying your own clan!" she shouted at him which made his expression quickly change, "What? No!" - "Leave him Jewel, it's not worth it," the other lioness spoke as she glared at him, "He will soon feel what betraying us is," she says and Kovu frowned, "Zira already damaged me enough, but if you hurt Kion there will be trouble," he warned before Jewel smirked, "You really care about that lion," she says before laughing, "That's petty, especially since everyone knows he was just using you, there's no way he-"

"Step away from Kovu!" a growl suddenly echoed throughout the area as all eyes landed on Kion, "I won't say it again," he says, as a laugh suddenly was heard, "Look around lion, you're surrounded. And if you use the roar, Kovu will also pay the price of it," Zira spoke as she walked over to Kion who stared at her angrily, "You would do this to you're own son?" he asks as Zira smirked, "I will do anything to avenge Scar, and he is no son of mine," she growls. 

Kovu watched from where he was, his ears flopping down as he did worriedly, "Please be careful Kion," he says quietly to himself as he tried to stand up to help but felt pain go through his leg as he quickly gave up and went back down.

Kion saw him struggle as he tackled one of the Hyena's while Fuli spun around 2 of the lioness there, trying to get to Kovu to help him

"Zuka-zama!" Banga yelled as he hopped off of Beshte's and land right on one of the crocs, beshte smashed right into the other 2 crocs that where there - knocking them over, "Kion behind you!" Banga says as he hopped on one of the lioness that was about to attack Kion from behind, "Thanks Banga," Kion says and Banga smiled, "Hakuna Matana Kion!" he says as he continued to fight the the lioness, Kion saw an opening to Kovu and quickly ran to him but was stopped by Zira, "Step out of my way Zira!" Kion growled as Zira chuckled, "You're going to have to go through me if you want him," she says and Kion scowled before he attacked her and she quickly defended. 

Kovu watched, seeing the fight was getting too much for the both of them. He took a deep breathe before forcing himself up but was quickly knocked back down by one of the lioness there and whimpered, "You're not stopping this," she growled at him and he growled back, "Get out of my way," he says before seeing Banga pushing her aside and his ears perked up, "Thank you - uh Banga right?" he asks and Banga nodded, "Yep! That's me, we should get you to Rafiki" he says and Kovu tilted his head, "Who?-" he asked before seeing the lioness coming back in for more and Banga quickly fighting her back. 

Kovu looked around, his eyes being set back on Kion and Zira, seeing Kion being down and Zira approaching him "Simama" he says before standing up again and quickly limping between Kion and Zira to give Kion a chance to get back up, "Move out of the way Kovu, before I hurt you more," Zira threatened, making the lion flinch at the memories but didn't move, "Don't say I didn't warn you," she growled before launching at him - Kion quickly launched back at her, swatting her away before she could touch Kovu, "Kovu, hapana you're hurt," he says as he walked to the lion to help him stand, nuzzling him as he did and Kovu quickly nuzzled him back, "Asante, thank you," Kovu says as he did and Kion smiled, "The fight isn't over yet, Beshte will take you to Rafiki, you will get healed there," Kion says an Kovu looked at him, "But I'm not allowed in the pride lands," he says as Beshte came over, "You're hurt, I'm sure the king will make an exception," he says as Kovu looks at Kion, "Are you sure you won't need Beshte's help?" he asks and Kion nodded, "We got this, don't worry," he says as he nuzzled him again and Kovu nuzzled him back with a smile, "Okay, be careful," he says and Kion nodded, "I will,"  

Kion helped the lion get on Beshte, making sure he was safe, "Be very careful Beshte," he says and Beshte nodded, "Kiboko!" he says before heading to the pride lands to get Kovu help, Kovu looked back at Kion as they went, he couldn't help but worry about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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