"Chapter 3: Snitches get stitches"

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Kovu was in the volcano, it's been about a week since he had been spying for Kion, and he had to say it felt pretty good helping them out, but at the same time - he felt bad for betraying his family. He stayed low as he listened to Scar's plan, he seemed angry that the lion guard was always one step ahead of them, and he had almost expected them to give up by now - but that all changed when he heard a voice from behind him. 

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here," he jumped, as he looked back, seeing the pink lizard behind him and his ears flopped, "Kovu!" Zira growled, "You're the one who had been working with the lion guard?" she went up to him angrily and Kovu swallowed, knowing he was in big trouble, "M-mom, i-it's not, I-.." he swallowed, knowing he couldn't lie to her right on the spot, "I expected more from you, but if you're no help to me," she growled, ready to pounce and Kovu backed up against the wall, terrified, "Stop! So...After all this time, after I took you in, you think you can just betray us?" Scar asked as he looked at Kovu whom looked back at him, "H-hurting the circle of life isn't right!" Kovu says and Scar laughed, "I can see you have grown fond of the lion guard, perhaps they have grown fond of you too," he says and Kovu looked at him, knowing where this was going, "I won't betray them," he says, Scar chuckled, "Funny, I'm not giving you a choice. I wanted to lure them here for awhile now, especially Kion. Make sure he doesn't escape, our plan has just changed," he spoke and Kovu growled as he saw himself get surrounded, he couldn't believe that whatever happened next - was his fault

. . . . .

Kion waited for Kovu to show up at the now dried up watering hole patiently, seeing it was beginning to become dark and he looked down, starting to get worried about him. Kovu had never shown up this late before, he was always here before him. He paced around the watering hole, "Come on Kovu, where are you?" he says, ever since they had been meeting by the watering hole, he felt himself grown more and more attached to the lion. Too the point where he wasn't scared to admit that he had feelings for him, he knew he probably liked Kiara more than he liked him, but he couldn't stop himself from feeling that way, and he didn't want too. 

"Kion?" He looked up, his eyes widening when he saw Fuli walking there instead with Ono flying above her, "Fuli? What are you doing here?" he asks, concerned, both her and Ono looked at each other before Fuli sighed, "We know you have been seeing Kovu Kion, that's how you always know whose attacking," Fuli says and Ono nodded, "Affirmative, Kovu has been helping you." he says, Kion's ears went back before he nodded, "I promised him I wouldn't tell anyone. He could get in trouble if anyone found out, and I believe someone has found out," Kion says worriedly as he looked down, "His always here before me," he says, Fuli frowned as she walked to him, "Don't worry Kion, I'm sure his fine. Ono, can you search for him?" she asks and Ono nodded, "Affirmative," he says before flying over the outlands to look for Kovu. 

Kion watched him, sighing as he looked at Fuli, "I know I shouldn't, but I...I think I really like him Fuli," he says, knowing that he could always trust her, and Fuli smiled, "Kion, anyone else would say you're crazy for trusting an out lander, but I think you're right, I've never seen you this worried about anyone," she says and Kion smiled sadly at her, "I don't think he feels the same, but at the very least, I don't want him getting hurt because of me, I shouldn't have told him to double back on his family," he says, not knowing what he was thinking in doing so, "He'll be okay Kion, we'll make sure of that. The lion guard is always behind you," she says and Kion nodded, "Thanks Fuli, that means a lot," he says before he saw Ono come back, "I found him! You were right to worry Kion, it seems like his  hurt and the other predators have gotten him surrounded!" he says 

Kion growled softly, knowing it was time they take things to the next level, "Ono, fly back and get the rest of the lion guard. Fuli, you're with me, we are taking Kovu back and defeating Scar once and for all! Till the pride lands ends!-" "Lion guard defend!" Ono and Fuli shout out after him as Ono flew to find the rest of them and Kion and Fuli rushed to get Kovu

. . . . .

"I'm coming Kovu,"

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