"Chapter 1: Meet again"

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Deep within the outlands Zira watched the chaos unfold from above, watching as the hyena's and jackals worked together to take over the pride lands and knew they weren't behind these attacks, someone else had to be leading them. 

Walking back to her hide out, she noticed Vitani and Nuka fighting over a branch and she growled lowly as she split them up, "Where's Kovu? You where suppose to watch over him!" she yelled at them disappointedly, "S-sorry mom he slipped away from us!" Nuka says as Vitani shook her head, "It was you're turn too watch him!" she scowled and Zira sighed, "I have to o everything myself don't I?" she asked as she headed out to find her lost cub, as the other 2 went back to fighting.

.     .    .    .    . 

Mean-while, out in the pride lands Kovu had snuck over to the pride lands in the mix of chaos with a urge to meet Kiara again, but instead was  met with a heavy force knocking him back down, he grunted as he looked up- his vision fixing on a familiar lion he had met with before, "Kion? What are you doing?" he ask, seeing he had him pinned down - but he had to admit, he didn't hate it. 

Kion growled at him, "I thought I warned you to stay out of the pride lands! You have no place here," he spoke angrily but that soon changed when their eyes met, Kovu listened to him with his ears flopped down, "I came too see Kiara, I mean no harm," he says before pushing him over and pinning him down instead, "And next time you try pinning a lion, don't get distracted," he says with a grin, Kion just looked flustered, not ever having a feeling quite like this before, "Why do you want too meet Kiara? You know my dad won't allow it," he says, his dad making it his job to protect Kiara from him, but truth to be told he didn't see anything harmful, he was sure he would of tried to kill him by now if he was malicious. 

Kovu smiled at him before getting off the other lion so that he could stand, "As you see I mean no harm, I just want too talk. I've noticed all the trouble going on in the pride lands lately, I just wanted too know what was going on and if Kiara was safe," he says as he looked at the ground, "But I understand if you don't trust me," he says as Kion watched, puzzled as he got up and sighed softly, "Trust me Kovu, my dad wouldn't like you meeting with her whether your intend was good or not, I suggest letting me take you back to the outlands," he says, not comprehending what he was feeling for the lion. 

Kovu thought for a moment before looking back at Kion, "What if I help you find out what's going on? Be a spy for you? Will that make you see I truly mean no harm?" he asks and Kion thought, they could use some extra help,  "Fine, but if you even think about trying anything I will make sure you'll never meet Kiara again," he says, he saw the other lion smirk as he walked closer too him, "Feisty, I wouldn't wanna come across the roar twice, even though you missed me the first time," he chuckled making Kion's ears flopped as the memories came back, "I was just getting the hang of it- I won't miss you again," he warned, making the lion only smirk more, "I'll meet you back there tomorrow at sun-set, you know where I'm talking about," Kovu says before heading back into the out lands

Kion watched him go back without another fight, leaving him puzzled and questioning himself on what just happened before hearing a voice he was glad to hear, "Kion? Everything okay?" Kion looked back at the cheetah and sighed, "I don't know Fuli," he says as she tilted her head, "What happened?" she asks, but for some reason Kion thought it would be good if he kept this too himself for now, "Nothing, any word from Ono?" 

. . . . .

"Kovu, where have you been? Mom is looking for you," Vitani says as she watched her brother enter their hide out, Kovu looked at her - knowing he was in trouble once she came back, "Um - I was, just exploring..." he sighed, not wanting to tell them about his encounter with Kion, he wanted Kion to trust him,  "I hope mom won't be too angry, but I went to check on all the racket, there has been a lot of attacks and -" he says but Vitani quickly interrupted him, "That's not up to us to handle, let mom handle it, you just focus on becoming king one day once we take down Simba," she says and Kovu's ears flopped down at the thought, "But -" he says but got interrupted once again, "Don't worry, once we take over you'll get Kiara one way or another, and well have the pride lands, everyone wins if you just play along," she says before going back to proceed her training. 

Kovu looked down, "I don't wanna kill anyone," he muttered to himself before he went outside to their watering hole and sat down as he stared at his reflection, "violence isn't the answer, maybe one day we'll all live peacefully together once I prove myself too Kion...Kion, why can't I get him out of my head now?" he muttered as he laid down, unsure of what he was feeling inside, it was too confusing for him to comprehend. 

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