Chapter 9. Class President and Infiltration?

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Izuku nodded at the hero. "Yes sir!" he said earning a nod from the hero.

"Now let's get on with the homeroom notices.. I'm sorry to have to spring this on you all, but.." Aizawa said in a serious tone making the everyone sweat like crazy. 

'What is it? Another test maybe!?' Most of them thought getting nervous about what their homeroom teacher is going to say..

After a few minutes, Aizawa then talked. 

"You need to pick a Class President." he said making the whole class scream "FINALLY, SOMETHING SCHOOL RELATED!!". And they raised their hands and began to yell out their nominations.

"OHH! OHH! I wanna be Class President!! Pick me!!" yelled Kirishima.
"That's like a leader position! I'll do it! Me, ME!!" Mina said excitedly.
"Oh, you mean the position that exists for me." Aoyama said calmly only to be ignored by Aizawa.
"LET ME DO IT!!!" Bakugo yelled 

"BE QUIET!!" they were shut up with Iida's loud voice. "This is a task laden with responsibility where you must carry and pull everyone else's weight. Just because you'd like to do it doesn't mean you can!!" he said as he stood up.

"It is a holy office that requires the great esteem and trust of those around you. The only truly worthy leader will emerge from a democratic choice of reflecting the will of the people!" he began raising his arm.

"Which is why this must be settled by voting!!" he said as he stiffly raise his arm..

'Yup he definitely wants the position.' Izuku thought in amusement of his friends' antics.

Before Iida could continue, he was interrupted by Tsuyu.

"Isn't it still too early for us to develop any trust in each other. Ribbit" she asked.
"Yeah! And everyone will just vote for themselves!" Kirishima added.

"I have a suggestion!" Izuku raised his arm. Everyone looked at him. He almost flinched at the sudden attention. "What if everyone gets two votes each. That way everyone can vote for themselves and the person they deem worthy for the position." he finished earning a nod Iida.

Iida looked at Aizawa who just got in his sleeping bag. "Will that be all right, Sensei!?"

Aizawa just shrugged and lay on the floor.

"I don't care how you do it. As long as you all decide by the time homeroom is done, anything's fine." he said and Iida nodded. He began to take out pieces of paper to distribute to the class.

As Izuku got his piece of paper, he began thinking who will be right for the position. He looked around the class to decide. Obviously, he skipped Bakugo because they need a leader (not a dictator), his eyes landed on Iida and Yaoyorozu. They look and gave out leader vibes in his book. Iida is strict and Yaoyorozu is smart and calm most of the time. Izuku thought they would do a perfect job as the Class President. 

Izuku wrote their names on the pieces of paper and placed them in the fish bowl to be counted later. As he sat on his chair, he leaned his cheek on his palm as his elbow rests on his desk and looked outside.

Only a matter of time 'til they get a class president. And he already knew one thing.

'That it won't be me.'



"Wha- I got 8 votes!?" Izuku exclaimed as he stared wide eyes at the blackboard.

Izuku Midoriya - 8
Momo Yaoyorozu - 5
Mashirao Ojiro - 3
Tenya Iida - 3
Katsuki Bakugo - 2

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