I open my mouth to speak but she beats me to it. ” You should be careful of that couple.” She adds.

That gets my attention and momentarily the surprise throws me off guard but I am quick to let it wear off and compose myself.

“What do you want, Clara? you surely didn’t walk in her to spew your nonsense, did you?” I question her impatiently. My coffee is getting cold.

“Things have changed since you showed up.” she says, taking a small step towards me. “— particularly with Mr. Thorne and his wife,”

“Like I suspected, you have nothing significant to say,” I say as I walk out of the kitchen, stepping around her small stature. I walk to the elevator to pick up my orders outside.

After I pick the coffee and pastries, I return to my floor to deliver them to Mr. Thorne.

I unconsciously push his door and walk in without knocking. I don’t know if he notices and when I wait for his uproar and insults like the first time. They never come. This time, I ensure I am careful as I place his coffee on his table.

“Wait! “I turn to walk away, but his voice stops me.

I swivel around and raise my eyebrow in a questioning manner. He takes a sip of his coffee and takes his time to savor it.

“You are teachable, after all.” He says and takes another sip. It is like he was expecting I bring him coffee from the staff kitchen like last time.

Perhaps I should have. Only that would have resulted in my dismissal. That is not what I am looking for. Cassandra has blackmailed me several times in a week, which is not something I take lightly. I’ll play her game while I investigate her. I am Karma, and I am the one who blackmails, not the other way around. When I’m finished with her husband, I’ll go after her. I did not become Karma by chance

Now I have to figure out how to seduce a man to fall for me madly. Something that I have never succeeded in, my father couldn’t even love me as an infant. Sometimes i feel like a house no one wants to live in. Nonetheless, i repeatedly expose myself to the source of my fear. Over and over, proving myself right.

“Your classes to hone your skills will begin this evening.” He moves his gaze to the idle extravagant coffee machine in the corner of his vast office.

“My skills don’t need sharpening,” I say in a sultry feminine voice walking to his desk. “You know that by now.” I can’t help myself.

His eyes hold mine as I take calculative steps towards him. A muscle ticks in his jaw and I stop a decent step away from him. I am aware that anyone can see through the glass.

“What are you playing at?” He asks and honestly I neither know but I must try to see how far I can get.

My eyes travel up to his face, remembering his hands, rough fingers brushing over my skin. I regret not memorizing the tattoos that cover his skin.

“Nothing I haven’t tried before,” I say.

He opens his mouth but the door is open as Ava steps in and I have to step back.

“Ava?” He seems surprised to see her.

“I need to speak to you,” She summarizes and looks up at me, “alone.” she is specific.

I say hi to her and walk out. As soon as I sit down, Clara comes over. I can’t get away from her.

She smiles, “The other coworkers asked me to invite you for after-work drinks.” She says.

“Thanks. I will remember to come.” I say.

“Cool,” she says and disappears.

I check my diary to see Mr. Thornes's day. I am getting a hang of this job though I have a lot to learn.

Mr. Thorne is scheduled to meet with Mr. Jackson. When I look over, he is still talking to Ava. He has stated that he despises being late for meetings. I rise and walk back to his office to remind him of his meeting. Ava appears to be irritated by this action. But it delights me when Mr. Thorne dismisses her and we leave for his meeting.

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