Chapter 8

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'Does he actually care about me?'
Parker thought to himself, slowly accepting this feeling that had taken over his body.

'What am I thinking?! We're best friends, of course, he would care,' Parker stated in his head.

"You alright dude, you've been sitting there with this look on your face for a while," Chester asked, cutting through the silence.

"Uhm... Yea, yea. Sorry just thinking about the video," Parker answered quietly.

"Alright..." Chester replied in a questioning tone.

Parker looked back down at his plate which was still only slightly touched.

Poking around at his pancake with his fork, Parker cleared his throat.

"I'm not really hungry," Parker stated, putting his fork down and looking up at Chester who was already staring at him.

"Huh- Are you sure, you haven't even touched your pancakes!" Chester said to Parker as he used his fork to point at the untouched pancakes sitting still on Parker's plate.

"Uh... yeah, I guess I'm just not hungry right now," Parker replied, looking back down at his plate.

"Oh, okay, I guess you could just put them in their fridge and eat them later, I bet they wouldn't mind," Chester suggested to Parker, who still wasn't looking up from his full plate of food.

"Uh-huh, I will," Parker said, nodding and standing up, not making eye contact with Chester.

Parker walked back into the kitchen and set his plate down on the island.

'I guess I should put them inside a container,' Parker thought to himself as he rummaged through the cabinet he had seen the containers in earlier when he was making the pancakes.

After finding a good-sized plastic box, Parker slid his pancakes off of his plate and into the plastic container that sat on the counter.

Once Parker put his pancakes into the plastic bin he grabbed the lid and set it onto the box.

Parker grabbed the plastic bin that now had the lukewarm pancakes inside and opened up the family's fridge, setting the tin inside onto one of the open shelves.

Closing the fridge Parker turned back around, grabbing the plate his pancakes were once on, and setting the plate inside of the sink.

After setting the plate inside the sink Parker looked down at his stomach, hearing it growl. Ignoring it, he walked into the dining room to see the kids descending from the stairs.

"Hey, there's pancakes in the kitchen if you two want some," Parker announced, gaining the attention of the younglings.

"Oh, okay thanks. Come on Jenny let's go get some pancakes," the teen said while walking towards the kitchen and gesturing for his sister to follow him.

"Yay, pancakes!" Jenny rejoiced while following her older sibling into the kitchen.

"Okay, so," Parker began as he sat down at the table again in the seat next to Chester. "We need to start filming more for the video. We've been here for a day already and we haven't gotten much footage." Parker turned in his seat so he was facing Chester.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Chester responded. "Also how long are we planning on staying here?" Chester asked, eating another fork full of pancakes.

"I don't know, nothing really too interesting has happened here but I think we should stay for another day. If nothing happens then we'll leave tomorr-" Parker quickly stopped talking when he heard heavy footsteps. James sauntered into the room and immediately turned to head in the direction of the front entryway. He gave Parker and Chester a side-eye glare before he disappeared out of sight.

"That was weird," Chester mumbled, shivering slightly.

"Maybe he's just not a morning person?" Parker suggested.

Again, footsteps were heard, they were much lighter this time though. In a few seconds, the two kids appeared around the corner, both with a plate of pancakes.

"Thanks for making breakfast," the teen said. "You really didn't have to." He took a bite of pancakes with a smile.

"Yeah, thank you! I love pancakes," Jenny stated.

"It was Parker," Chester said, pointing at Parker with the fork he was holding.

Parker smiled bashfully. "It really wasn't hard or anything. They're just box pancakes," He remarked.

"Well, they were great," Chester commented after finishing his pancakes.

"I can totally agree with that," the teen said, supporting Chester's statement while taking another bite of his pancakes.

"Thanks," Parker said quietly. He couldn't keep himself from smiling, a comforting feeling of happiness coming over him. It was nice for a change to be generally complimented on something and not be insulted or complained to by a client.

"But seriously, thanks. It's nice to not have to make breakfast for once," the teen stated.

"Wait, so does your dad never make you guys breakfast?" Chester asked, looking up from his now empty plate that was slightly littered with syrup and pancake crumbs.

"Well, no, not really," the teen muttered. "He says that I'm old enough to make it on my own."

"But.." Chester pointed towards Jenny. "Doesn't he still cook for Jenny?"

The teen shook his head no. Jenny, who had just tuned into the conversation, looked up from her plate, wondering why her name was mentioned. While Parker and Chester just exchanged glances. This didn't seem right to either of them. It made sense to want your kids to be responsible; but, to expect them to take responsibility for all the other kids in the family wasn't right.

"On another note, it's been getting chiller outside and our heater exploded not too long ago; leaving us with cold air," the teen mentioned, taking away some of the awkwardness that had occurred during their conversation seconds before.

"Yea... we uh, kinda noticed," Parker said, bringing his hand up to the back of his neck awkwardly.

Chester nodded, stealing a look over at Parker who was nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

Almost as if it were on cue; a loud door creaked open.

James had entered the house, loud footsteps hitting the cold floor making it creak almost as if it were speaking.

The footsteps grew closer and closer until they reached the dining room.

"I'm leaving for a few days,"

James spoke coarsely.


Calleigh- It was a shorter chapter but I liked it. Also, school is killing us, send help, please. (Thanks for the reads too.)

Valen- Merry Christmas!! November is here and it's time for Christmassss.
Maybe we'll even write a special Christmas chapter, it'd be like a oneshot, like a flashback from the last year Chester and Parker did Christmas alone together. Let us know if you'd like something similar to that! Thank you for 1k reads, love all of you soooo much! <3

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