Chapter 7

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Parker stretched, opening his eyes seeing the sunlight shine through the windows and into the partly empty room.

After feeling Parker stretch Chester grumbled, curling up into a ball, wanting to sleep more.

Parker moved Chester's head from his shoulder and shuffled out of the bed after he had removed his arms from underneath Chester's body.

After standing up and stretching a bit more, Parker cleared his throat.

"Hey, let's get up and make breakfast. I don't think any of the kids or their dad are up so it would be a nice surprise," Parker spoke in a deep, groggy morning voice.

Chester just rolled over and grumbled, making Parker mentally facepalm.

"Come on, it'll be nice," Parker beckoned at Chester to get up.

Chester just groaned out in annoyance signifying he wouldn't be getting up anytime soon.

Parker rolled his eyes "Fine..." he trailed on.

Parker stared a Chester for a few more seconds before clearing his throat one more time.

"You're lucky you're cute," Parker mumbled extremely quietly to Chester, before running out the door and down the stairs.

Seeing no one was on the first floor Parker began to look through the family's kitchen to see if there was anything simple he could make for breakfast.

After looking through a few cabinets he found pancake mix.

"Great, I know how to make pancakes! I make them for Chester and I all of the time," Parker stated to himself, smiling happily that he had found something to make.

Parker took out a bowl and set it next to the boxed pancake mix that he had set on the counter moments earlier.

"Okay.. It says on the back of the package that I need 2 cups of the pancake mix and 1 ¼ cups of water to make 10-14 pancakes, which will hopefully be enough for everyone," Parker said out loud as he went back to search even more cabinets and drawers to find the measuring cups.

After checking almost half of the drawers Parker finally found the measuring cups he needed to make the pancakes. Parker opened up the drawer, grabbed the 1 cup and the ¼ cup and set them on the counter, and shut the drawer afterward.

"Okay, I just need a pan and some butter or oil so that the pancakes don't stick to the pan like they did that one time... man that burnt scent was all I could smell for like a week," Parker relayed out loud.

Parker looked around a little bit before he found the cupboard that held the pots and pans. He opened the cupboard, took out a medium-sized pan, and set it on the gas stove that was in the kitchen.

After setting the pan onto the stove Parker went to check for some oil or butter.

"Okay, I think we might have used all of the butter yesterday when Chester made his 'famous' mac and cheese," Parker stated.

Parker walked over to the fridge in their kitchen and looked through all of the drawers and shelves, seeing no butter he shut the fridge and went back to looking for oil. After finding the oil inside a cupboard that sat almost right next to the stove, Parker set the oil next to the pan that was still on the burner.

He walked back over to the island, opening the box of pancake mix, Parker began to pour out the correct amount needed to make the pancakes. He poured about 2 cups of the mix into the plastic bowl he had set on the counter earlier.

After pouring the mix into the bowl, Parker grabbed the 1⁄4 cup, 1 cup and turned around to face the sink that was behind him. He walked over to the sink that was only a few steps away from the island and filled the cups with water. After filling the cups Parker turned back around and walked the few steps back to the island, slightly spilling some of the water as he was walking back.

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