Chapter 3

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"Finally, all of the cameras have been placed!" Parker said in a relieved tone. Parker had just finished placing all of the hidden cameras around the house, two cameras angled in the hallway upstairs, pointing in the direction of the stairwell and the father's room, which they couldn't get cameras inside of. Another two were placed in hidden spots in the children's room and one was placed in the teens, facing the door.

They had placed some downstairs too, one facing the exit to the backyard, one placed to look at the entrance to the garage, and some in the living room and kitchen. The hardest one to place was the one they put in James' car, the teen had suggested it knowing that their dad would probably leave sooner or later.

"Hopefully dad won't see these, god he would be so upset." the teen said walking into the house from the garage, along with Chester and Parker following behind the teen.

"We hide them well, don't worry," Parker said with confidence tracing his words.

The trio wandered into the living room. Chester had barely stepped two feet into the room when a brisk sensation fell over his body. 'Jeez it's cold, weird, the temp was fine just a second ago,' he pondered.

"Hey, is the window open, it's kinda cold," Chester stated as he shifted his attention over to the teen.

"Huh, cold?" the teen asked, giving him a confused look.

Chester opened his mouth to respond, but before he could say a word the temperature suddenly became warmer.

"Yea, I just felt some cold breeze from a window I think," Chester said as he turned to look for any open sources of the cold breeze.

"None of our windows are open..." Said the teen in a concerned tone of voice. Parker interrupted. "Didn't you say there were ghosts in your house, maybe one touched Chester,"

"Has anything like that ever happened to you before?" Parker asked the teen, regarding to what Chester just felt.

"Yea, sometimes rooms we're in will suddenly grow cold and have this ominous feeling, but my dad says that it's just the AC," The teen stated. "I don't believe him," The teen continued under their breath.

"Ghost hunt!" Jenny yelled throwing her arms above her head in excitement as she ran down the stairs after hearing their previous conversation.

The teen's head snapped to look over at their little sister, Jenny. The teen put their finger in front of their mouth signifying Jenny to be quiet.

Jenny calmed down a little and looked over at Chester and then Parker.

"Do we get to go on a ghost hunt?" Jenny asked quietly. Chester smiled at Jenny and nodded his head.

"Yes, we'll do a ghost hunt," Chester said responding to Jenny's question.

Jenny threw her arms up again about to yell but before she could the teen quieted her.

"You guys don't even have that equipment, do you?" The teen wittily said. Parker and Chester looked over at each other. "No," They said simultaneously.

Jenny looked back up at Chester. "Aw.. so no ghost hunt?" Jenny said. "Yes, no ghost hunt. We have to get other things done," Parker interrupted again before Chester could even say anything. Jenny slouched over dramatically signifying she was upset. "Aw.. okay," Jenny responded to Parker's statement.

Parker walked farther into the living room and looked out the window.

Chester sat down on the couch and breathed out a sigh. Not a moment later he felt the cushions shift slightly, looking over he saw that Jenny was now seated beside him.

"Hi, can I sit here?" she asked him.

"Sure," Chester responded with a smile.

"Thanks!" Jenny vocalized, swinging her legs over the side of the couch. "What color are your eyes?"

"Oh, they're blue."

"Cool, blue eyes are pretty. Mine are grey, see." She pointed to her eyes, which were indeed a silver gray.

Chester smiled, talking with the young girl was comforting for him. She had a child-like wonder in her eyes and a bright smile. Jenny seemed to be an outgoing bubbly girl but then within seconds, she changed. Her smile faded and she looked down at her hands almost as if she was ashamed.

"I'm sorry if I'm annoying you," she spoke.

"Huh, no you're not annoying me," Chester replied in a reassuring tone. "Why do you keep asking that?"

"Well, my dad always says that I talk too much and that talking too much means I'm annoying," Jenny stuttered out in an upset tone.

'What the hell,' Chester thought. 'What type of father tells his kids that they're annoying just for talking? I mean, I remember my parents telling me that I was annoying sometimes, but to be fair as a kid I would follow them around for hours and hum the Garfield theme song just to make them mad.' Chester shifted the way he was seated so he could properly face Jenny. "Hey, I know what it's like to be called annoying. When I was younger kids called me annoying a lot at school." Chester mentioned. "It wasn't fun."

"Yeah," Jenny sighed, swinging her legs. She looked down at her lap with a sorrowful look.

"Uh, how about we talk about something else," Chester quickly changed the subject upon noticing Jenny's sad demeanor. "So.. um, what's your favorite color?"

Jenny looked back at Chester and smiled. "Yellow, what's yours?" she asked.


Jenny gasped. "Like your eyes," she stated.

The sound of a door slamming interrupted Jenny and Chester's conversation. The sound of heavy, steel-toed footsteps was heard for a few seconds before James entered the room.

"We're out of food," James said bluntly. "I'm going to the store. Don't leave the house while I'm gone," James continued in a menacing tone of voice.

James' turned around on his heels making a slightly loud squeak emanating from the shoes contacting the hardwood floor (about its car's extended warranty). He left the living room as his loud footsteps began to subside as they heard a door open. "I'll be back in a few hours," James spoke closing the door shortly after finishing his sentence.

A comfortable silence fell upon the group when suddenly Chester detected the same cold breeze relaxing on his shoulders that he had felt previously.

"Don't trust that man.."


Calleigh- Sonic who, I am the master of speed NOW!!! I want ice cream.

Valen- Wow only about 5 days since our last chapter, we're going fast. We want to finish this fanfic by the end of this summer hopefully that happens lol. (Edit: That did not happen) Also, we want to write a few short one-shots on Chester and the family when this book is done so let us know if you would enjoy reading those, love you<3

The authors are now off to get ice cream.

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