It was like a car crash. Ace desperately needed to look away and run, but he just couldn't. He was frozen to the spot.
The stranger dragged the knife roughly down her face, splitting her open and cutting her in half.

Then Ace screamed.
The strangers cold gaze turned to him. Ace could taste the blood thick in the air as his mother's lifeless corpse dropped to the floor, her dead eyes staring at him.

Ace felt as though spiders were crawling all over him. His body tingled with horror, and he was unable to tear his gaze away from the strangers eyes.

Those obsidian eyes bore into him. Not human. Demon, rang his terrified mind.

Slowly, deliberately, the demon lifted a gloved hand to his lips, an inhuman grin stretching across his face.
Ace finally managed to turn and sprinted down the hall. The demons slow, even footfalls followed him.

"Addison!" His throat felt sticky, dry. He slammed and locked the door behind him, like that could do anything to thwart a demon.

Addison dove into the closet. The demon was silent on the other side of the door, the knob moving ever slightly.
Ace panicked. He flung open the drawer and pulled a blade from it, like he could do anything with it.

Ace followed his sister, the closet sliding shut moments before the door slammed open. The demons footsteps were heard all around their room. It moved to their window, then to their bed, then it sounded as if it may leave.

That was a false hope. It stood in front of the closet now. Ace and Addison shook. They were trapped, cornered like animals. This was it. The demon would drag it's knife down them and leave them to bleed just as it did to their parents. Ace shook harder, as if that was possible.

The door opened slowly. Ace acted on instinct alone. The knife was flung from his hand and the demon barley let out a gasp, but that was all the indication Ace needed.

The knife was lodged in the demons knee, blood gushed from the wound. The demon let out a low hum. Ace grabbed his sister and dragged her towards the door. The demon turned like the wind, despite its injury. They didn't manage to get there before the demon had thrown its knife.

Addison screamed, clutched her ear. Ace turned, horrified.
"What happened!?" He already knew what. The demons low chuckle echoed through the room.

Ace gripped Addison's wrist tighter, and dragged her through their ransacked home, hoping she wouldn't see the horror he had. Judging by her high-pitched screams, she had.

Ace didn't really remember anything that happened past that point.
He registered the blaring sirens, the flashing lights. Addison curled up in the mud next to him, grabbing her bleeding ear.

Ace remember the police, the endless questions, seeing them take his parents out in body bags. The poor police woman tried to explain to them that their parents wouldn't be coming back, but she needn't have bothered. Ace knew perfectly well that they were gone.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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