Chapter 12

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Warning(s): implied self-harm

Kaze sat dejected at his table, the others chattering around him. He was completely silent, not speaking.
"Heya kid," Amber said with their usual energetic smile, swinging her leg over the seat next to Kaze.

"Hey," the boy responded in a flat tone, looking sad. This made Amber frown.
"Hey, what's wrong? Something happen? Do I need to beat anyone up for ya?"

Kaze shook his head no, taking another bite, his brow furrowed. Amber looked over to see his face.
"Hey, what's wrong kid? What's bothering ya?" Amber asked gently, looking concerned.

Kaze sighed softly to himself and shrugged. "Well, I kinda screwed up a lot today. It was embarrassing and Ace definitely won't let me forget it."
Amber furrowed her brow, "So, you're embarrassed because of a fuck up?"

Kaze nodded.
"Who gives a shit? It's not the end of the world. Let them laugh, but don't let it get to you. Don't give up, you think I didn't screw up? I've fucked it up more times than I can count!"

Kaze was shocked. Amber looked around to see the other seven children looking at him, the speech catching all their attentions.
Amber grinned, "All of you, don't be embarrassed over a screw up. Mistakes happen. It's a fact of life, and nothing to be ashamed for. You hear?"

The entire team nodded mutely, processing what they'd just been told. Kahsbi spoke up.
"That seems right," she said hesitantly, "I trust you."
Kahsbi said the last part with a smile, and it caused Kamlyn to smile as well.

Amber grinned and leaned back in the seat, listening as the team continued their conversation.


Later, in class, Kamlyn was dozing off, to say the least. He looked at Kahsbi, admiring how diligent she was as she noted everything the teacher said.
"887," the teacher spoke suddenly, causing Kamlyn to jump slightly, "Care to tell us what the majority of your suits are?"

"Oh, um," Kamlyn stumbled for a moment, but only for a moment before he recalled it, "Titanium and kevlar, sir."
The man hummed in approval, and leaned down to whisper his next sentence to the boy.
"You were lucky to rember. Pay attention next time."

The teacher looked up, and caught Ace snickering behind his hand, looking quite amused.
The tall man cleared his throat firmly and strode over to the boy, glaring down at him.

"Something funny, 780?" The man said curtly, standing before the boy intimidatingly.
Ace stuttered for a moment, before the teacher continued.
"What's the purpose of the airtight and watertight parts of your suits?"

The teacher cocked his head to the side, as if he was curious. The mocking in his tone was noticeable, but not too over exaggerated.
Ace stumbled for a moment and swallowed, flipping through his notebook before coming up with the answer.

"It's to help us with swimming, sir," he answered after a few moments of silence.
The commander leaned down and whispered something into Ace's ear that no one else, not even his teammates, could hear. Whatever it was, it made him go red for the rest of the class.

It was quite pleasing for Kaze, to see his bully getting bullying back in a way. It made him feel bad for enjoying it, but he supposed Ace deserved it.
The rest of the classes passed normally, as did the rest of the day.


Kira rolled over on the bed, face pressed into the cold, crisp, pillow, sheets the same way pulled over them.
She layed still as the patrols did their usual checks every ten minutes, though their mind wandered.

Something had happened earlier, an incident with Amber. She had seen something, something that confused and maybe even concerned her.
They thought endlessly, replying the events in her mind over and over again.

Kira looked up, "Amber?"
"Yeah, kid?" She said as she pulled off her shirt.
"What are those?"
Amber looked to where Kira was pointing, and tried to smile, though she looked sad.

"These?" She pointed to her wrists. Kira nodded, and Amber tried to keep smiling even though it hurt.
"These are just," she swallowed, "M-my cuts. I made a mistake. I hurt myself."

Kira looked confused, "Why would you hurt yourself?"
"Because," Amber took a shaking breath, "Because I was very, very, upset. And angry. And it was a very bad time. It still hurts."

Kira didn't want to push any farther, recalling how upset Asura used to get when anyone asked about the same lines on her wrists.

"Also, why aren't you in your usual bathroom?"
Amber shrugged, "I feel like a girl tonight. I didn't really want to go to my usual bathroom. And why not?"

Kira tilted her head to the side. "No other reason?"
"Well...maybe one other reason."
She glanced over to a girl, around her age. Kira quickly realized it was the same Isabella girl from the other night.

"Why are you looking at her like that?" Kira asked, obviously.
Amber stuttered, "I-um s-she's pretty. B-but don't stare at random people. It's rude."
"Do you like her?"

Amber's entire face went completely red, and she burried her face in her hands.
"You do," Kira confirmed with a triumphant grin, "But why? She's kinda rude."

Amber shrugged, and spared another glance to her wrists again. "I, well, she helped me. A lot. She helped me with these," Amber referred to her wrists again, "She helped me to get the help I needed. And to stop hurting myself."

Kira looked between the two women for a moment, "Will I ever have someone to help me like that? Who helps me get something I need?"

Amber smiled comfortingly at her. "Of course you will. You might already have them, and you might not even know it!"
Kira looked down, confusion clouding her eyes and prompting another question from the child.

"Do I need to like someone in the same way you like Isabella for them to be that person?"
"Of course not," Amber laughed, "That person can be anyone you love in any way. A sibling, team mate, a teacher even."

"Could you be that person? Or Kaze or Kamlyn or one of the others?"
"Absolutely," Amber chuckled.

Kira smiled fondly at the last thing she'd been told, and rolled over again so she wouldn't suffocate themselves in the pillow.
They let the memory give her comfort, and allowed herself to drift into a peaceful sleep.

The Story Of SoldiersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz