Chapter 1: Heaven's Heroes Don't Always Land Well

Start from the beginning

I walked around the open streets and could see some random covenant groups, trudging through the snow. The fires acting as mini beacons of warmth in the somewhat cold area. The covenant seemed to just stand guard around a certain point and then a brute crouched down to look at their weapon.

I decided to sneak in the shadows, trying my best to stealthily make it around them while not engaging in unneeded combat, as ammo was limited. One brute seemed to look in my direction and roared, then it turned around and walked to the grunts that were standing point. Seemed to just randomly roar, not uncommon for them to as I recall to the file I read on them. I kept continuing until I reached a plaza and seen a few dead covenant soldiers near a flaming drop pod. There was a slightly open door about 15 feet from the pod, and I looked at the pod and then at the door.

Steeling my resolve, I entered the building and walked down a hallway that had dead marines and scattered guns. Following the stairs up to the next floor, I could see the same exact thing happen to the lower floor. I decided to go up the third floor, and found the exact same sight. Turning around to leave, I seen a door slide open. A woman with 1 tail walked out and she turned the way I was gonna go to go down. The ears on her head moved alittle and she quickly turned towards me. My smg was pointed at her since I didn't know if she was a friendly or foe and she stumbled back over a metal locker in response. She made a pained grunt and looked at me in fear.

Y/N: Hey, are you alright?

She looked at me and then I slowly lowered my smg and she still looked on edge so I decided to let my smg hang against me and she moved back alittle.

Y/N: I'm not the enemy.

???: How can I be so sure?

I stayed silent.

???: S-Stay away.

I stayed silent and she stopped talking as I pressed the button on my helmet.

Y/N: Overlord Actual, Overlord Actual, come in.

Nothing but static could be heard on the radio. The static noise was the only thing disrupting the silence between us.

Y/N: I repeat, Overlord Actual, Overlord Actual, come in.

Still nothing could be heard on the radio.

Y/N: We're on our own. Hey, since you understand me, I need you to trust me.

???: I don't trust you.

Y/N: I know, but in order to ensure survival, we must work together.

I started to walk towards her and she looked ready to brace for something but I walked past her. My footsteps could be heard going down the hallway and I heard some noise behind me and seen her standing in the hallway, her tail now showing 8 more.

Y/N: May I ask for your name?

The woman with 9 tails seemed to jump a little from being startled from the question.

???: My name is Ahri.

Y/N: Y/N, Second Lieutenant of my platoon.

Ahri: So then you aren't with those monsters?

Y/N: No, I'm here to eradicate them. Think of me as pest control.

Ahri: I'm not sure what I should do.

Y/N: I propose, you follow me and I'll get us to a point where I can hopefully call evac to get you out of here.

Ahri: Why do you want to save me?

Y/N: We are the odsts, we come in to help when shit goes down. You are a civilian, we need to get you out of here so you don't get caught in the crossfire.

Ahri: Well, I guess I'm in your care for now.

Y/N: Follow me.

I seen her try to walk but she stumbled to the side. I instantly knew what was wrong. So without a further word, I ran up to her and picked her up.

Y/N: Well, we're stuck in a city, with no comms support and you're injured. I will get you out of here, one way or another.

Ahri: Just leave me here, I'll be able to get myself out of here and back home.

Y/N: No you can't, one thing a buddy of mine would say, we're up shit creek with no paddle but with enough determination, you are the paddle.

After hearing that, she made no further argument, and i put her on my back with a firm "hold on" and she hung on while wrapping her legs around my waist as well, using her tails to help latch her onto me. Now having to lean forward to keep her on my back and get through this, shit creek just got a whole lot shittier.

(Authors note: I really hope you guys are enjoying the story, I'll do my best to keep this going but I hope you guys like it and yea, can't really say more than thanks for reading)

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