Chapter 25: Skyline

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It has been a good few hours since the girls have left the penthouse. Hearing those words get spoken to me was hurtful, and her tone. She could've at least said it nicely instead of being a bit forceful. I know they mean well and want to protect me but I'm the one protecting them.

Looking down at my phone, I seen the screen that showed my messages with Ahri, with no new messages popping up. Putting my phone back into my pocket, I walked to the kitchen and upon entering the serene kitchen, it felt off, that the light was off and only the oven clock was on. Sunset light was shining through the window but barely any came through, the darkness completely enveloping the kitchen but a dimness just enough to make out everything that was there. Hitting the light switch, a bright light illuminating everything that was in view. Opening the fridge, I looked inside to see what we had for drinks and grabbed the orange juice.

Setting the jug on the countertop, I grabbed a mug from the cupboard and filled with the juice. Holding the mug with both hands because I can, I blinked and my surroundings changed to a ruined building wreckage. Dirt littered the ground as rubble and concrete was laying on the ground with pillars and walls still standing, rebar sticking out of some of them.

A few people in armor ran past me as I was holding my mug with what looked to be MRE scraps around me. Taking a swig from my mug, gunfire could be heard in the distance and near me, the wind was blowing and my armor was on. My rifle sat beside me as I looked around, watching the soldiers run past and seeing covenant soldiers run over the hills in the distance. I looked to my right and seen a familiar face. My girlfriend sat there finishing the last of her MRE and then she looked at me.

???: Hey cutie, I know I'm pretty, but you don't need to stare.

Me: R-Right.

I set my mug down and seen her put her helmet on and grab her rifle.

???: C'mon babe, let's go. They need us.

Getting up, I reached for my rifle and it felt cold. I blinked again but felt nothing. Seeing the surroundings, I was back in the kitchen. Walking forward towards the exit, I walked into the dining room and I was once again in the same scene, my girlfriend could be seen walking in front of me as we slowly moved. We entered a small hallway and she went to one wall with a few troops and I went to the other wall with some troops. As she was about 10 steps ahead, the wall beside her blew up as the rubble and concrete mixed with where she stood and her troops.

Going back alittle from the blast, the rocks hitting me and my vision once again showing me penthouse dining room, with me with my back up against the couch. Looking around I seen that the penthouse was still and then it switched to the battle again, her body laid under some concrete chunks and some other soldiers hit by the blast. Dust was in the air and I scrambled forward to grab the chunks of broken concrete and seen blood on her body and a few pieces of rebar stuck into her. The dust in the air was replaced with a crispness of fresh air of the penthouse, reaching forward to grab something, my vision changed to the battlefield once again as I heard a voice ring though my head.

She's dead Y/N. Sorry you couldn't see the wedding. Now let's move, we gotta kill those covenant.

Hearing those words, my vision started to switch back and forth to the penthouse and the battlefield as sounds overlapped each other, as my breath became shallow and my heart rate picking up, eventually hearing the thump thump thump of my quickened heart rate. The air hurt to breathe as my arms started to tremble, and my vision switching between the two different times.

A knocking could be heard on the penthouse door and I was now sitting on the floor, trying to scramble to my feet. With no avail, my shortness of breathe hitting harder as the thumping of my heart beat through my eardrums loud enough in my head to give me a headache. The door swung open to reveal 2 figures standing there.

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