Chapter 1: Heaven's Heroes Don't Always Land Well

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The drop pod fell towards the white cloudy sky, as the debris in the upper stratosphere just floated there above the clouds. The debris looked to be a frigate ship torn in half with fire still coming out the middle, the smoke creating a minor cloud above it.

Romeo: I take that back, navy got their butts kicked.

Buck: Hey Romeo, remember when I told you to shut your mouth?

Romeo: Yea

Buck: Consider that a standing order.

The pod continued to fall, now passing through the clouds, seeing the massive purple covenant carrier floating above a white city, the area around was white as well.

Y/N: Must've caught it during the snowy season

I said to myself as the drop pod continued to descend.

Buck: Captain! There's a few clicks of the deck.

Veronica: Standby to adjust trajectory. On my mark.

Dutch: What'd she just say?

Veronica: Mark!

All of our drop pods veared to right alittle as we moved right of our current position.

Buck: We're way off course.

Veronica: We're heading exactly where I need to go.

Buck: But we're gonna miss the carrier!

A 3 second pause could be heard before a gruffly voice came into comms.

Dutch: Radiation!

Buck: Covenant just set off a nuke?

Veronica: No, the carrier's going to jump. It's a slip space rupture, you need to-

Dutch: Emp. Losing power-

Buck: Stabilize!! They pop your pods and we're going in hard.

I grabbed the handle on the frame and held on for dear life as the pod in front of me slammed into mine from the slip space explosion. The glass was cracked but still held against the gravitational pressure and other factors. But the pod started to spin towards the ground and after 12 seconds, I felt a loud thud and my whole body stung. Then everything went black.

Y/N..... 2 Hours After the Drop

Y/N: Ow my head.

I put my hand up to my helmet and rubbed it, feeling no cracks but my head feeling dizzy. I looked around the inside of the pod and seen the 4 explosive bolts for the manual ejection. Guess the explosion fried the auto eject system. Gotta do it the manual way.

Slamming my fist into each one, pretty soon they all turned green and the door flew off and hit the ground. I jumped out and grabbed the smg Dutch gave me.

Y/N: Thanks Dutch, I would've forgotten it if you didn't hand it to me. I owe you a beer.

The streets looked bare as no people ran around. In fact, the no people were around at all and vehicles laid scattered throughout the street. The snow fell from the sky slowly but a layer of snow could be seen on the ground, amidst of the fiery wreckage of vehicles, busses and trucks. Buildings all looked broken on the side facing me as I could see covenant ships flying over the city at a distance that I hoped I wasn't spotted.

Bodies of marines and civilians could be seen in spots on the streets and laying in the plant gardens along the street.

Y/N: Rest In Peace you poor souls. May God be accepting of your spirits into his domain.

Helljumper's Peace (KDA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now