Izuku Wayne: Batman Beyond

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(Idea by 223FutureHero19)

After Bakugo got kidnapped by the League Of Villains, against his better judgment, Izuku decided to go and save him but the students were forbidden from helping and Izuku worried the heroes would fail so he went to his dorm room and pulled out a high tech suitcase as he opened it, revealing his batsuit and suited up as he flew to Kamino.

Izuku arrived at the league's hideout right as the raid begun as Izuku used the chaos to take down the league with ease due to his skills and training and got Bakugo to safety, which got the mutt pissed off as All Might and All For One began fighting as Izuku decided to do something to help.

Izuku joined the fight as All For One was more focused on All Might which Izuku used to his advantage as he used all the tricks he has to help All Might defeat his enemy.

Izuku was able to get the drop on All For One and punched him in the back, making him slip up as All Might used his strongest move yet to finally beat All For One for good as the attack hit and slammed All For One to the ground.

Everyone was cheering for All Might as he looked at Izuku, knowing his secret as he just nodded as Izuku flew away.

A few days later, Izuku considered telling his class the truth about him when he suddenly got attack by Aizawa and Bakugo and some of his other classmates. It turns out Aizawa managed to find out Izuku's secret and told Bakugo about it and due to their shared hatred of Izuku, they lied to the class, saying Izuku was a villain who lied his way into U.A, half the class believed them while the other half didn't, but before things could escalate, the Bat family arrived which led to the reason Izuku was at U.A in the first place came to light.

Izuku's father, Bruce Wayne had a feeling U.A would be subject to attacks due to All Might working there as a teacher as Izuku volunteered to go and protect both All Might and U.A, and Bruce also revealed that Aizawa and Bakugo both lied to turn the class against Izuku as the people who fell for the lie tried to get him to forgive them but Izuku wasn't having as he told Aizawa and Bakugo to both drop dead.

Izuku along with his friends who stuck by him and All Might all returned to America as Izuku continued his reputation as the Dark Knight Of Tomorrow.

Batman Beyond

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