The Dark Slayer & The Witch

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After teaming up to defeat Arkham, Dante and Vergil decide to fight to see one more time to see who's the strongest to which Dante managed to win which surprised Vergil that less than a few hours ago, Dante didn't give a damn about the bigger picture but now managed to defeat him as Dante wanted to know why Vergil even bothered going through all this effort to retrieve their father's power.

Throughout this ordeal, Dante thought this was all because of their mother's death to which Vergil just chuckled and vaguely told his twin brother that there were things that Dante didn't know about him before the two returned to the human world before Vergil began to leave as he left Force Edge with Dante, telling him to look after it before he left.

So imagine Dante's surprise when 5 years later when he's just chilling in his office Devil May Cry, Vergil arrives completely unexpected with a a white haired woman in red who Vergil revealed is his wife. And if Vergil being married, let alone in a relationship didn't surprise the hell out of Dante, the fact that Vergil has a son definitely did.

And. . . . wait, did Vergil say she's an umbra witch?!

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