Chapter 26: August

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Sybil's due date was nearing and she had everyone on edge. She was tired of being pregnant and was irritated at the smallest of things. She had been seeing Kate regularly for a month now and it has helped her a little. She calmed down and wasn't getting as angry as she had before. Kate had confiscated her knives and wouldn't return them until she felt Sybil was ready for them. It made Sybil angry to be without them, but she learned to keep herself busy.

She helped with pack training as she had before, teaching the younger wolves how to fight and defend themselves. She also taught them different survival skills to use in case they were in a situation they couldn't control. August could see that this new role made her happy. She had complained to him that she felt like she was turning into a softy by sitting at home all day doing nothing but being pregnant, so he found her something to do. She didn't complain as much now.

"Can we just get this thing out of me!" She yelled throwing a pillow at August. He caught it and tossed it back onto the couch.

"You're not due for another week, the doctor said it is better to let the baby decide when it wants to come out, and that inducing wouldn't be right."

"I hate the doctor for saying that. I've gotten so big and I can't stand on my feet for longer than twenty minutes. I have to pee every five freaking minutes, and this baby is insatiable. I can't fight, I can't train, I can't have my knives. I want it out!" August put his hands around her as best he could with her big belly.

"Just breathe. Remember what Kate said when you are feeling like things are out of control, instead of being angry breathe, so you can calm yourself down." She stared at him with eyes that could kill.

"I don't want to breathe, let me be angry!" She pushed him away.

"Sybil! Guess what?" Myah's sweet voice started to calm her down.

"Hey hun, what's going on?" She asked her.

"Aunty Margot brought a girl home. She's really pretty." She said,

"Is she? What does she look like?" Myah gave her the description of the woman Margot had brought home. Myah was her little spy on the new relationships Margot was in. This was the fourth woman she had brought home.

"Do you think this one is gonna last?" Myah asked her.

"I hope so. Go sneak around and find out more okay my little spy." She kissed her on the head before she ran off.

"I think you shouldn't snoop on Margot's business. She's going to find out and be mad." August told her.

"I'm just being a concerned friend. I want to know how things are going for her."

"Sure you are. Now sit. The doctor said you shouldn't be on your feet for too long."

"The doctor can kiss my a... I mean you're right." She smiled. " Can you call your mom over to make some of her lasagna? Or maybe even her alfredo? Oh and some pie also?" August laughed.

"I thought you weren't hungry? Insatiable baby and all."

"The food isn't for the baby, it's for me.."

"How about you call her and tell her about all of the things you would like her to make for you?" He handed her the phone. "I'll be in my office, try not to destroy anything please. We may have money, but replacing furniture is getting expensive." He walked off laughing. She rolled her eyes, and dialed Bria's number.

"Hey Sybil, what's going on?" She answered.

"I'm hungry." She said, Bria, chuckled.

"I'm on my way now, what did you have in mind?" Sybil went over her list of foods she wanted to eat. Bria came to the house with bags of groceries. Sybil followed her to the kitchen.

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