''Fine. I'll take you to the Hare and the Hatter. But that's the end of it.'' He disappeared suddenly. She looked around and he reappeared ahead.

''Coming?'' Cheshire asked. There's nothing else for her to do but follow, she never controlled when she woke up but she felt a tug, and like an idiot she followed.

The house was part hare, part house. The chimneys are ears. The roof is thatched with fur. The picket fence is rabbit feet, doorknob a bunny tail. The windows are pink rabbit eyes that look round and blink. Alice stared in amazement as they passed.

"That's really beautiful." Alice remarked.

"Do keep up." Cheshire said annoyed.

"Right... right."

The tea party had been going on for years. The tea set was an odd admixture of cracked pots and chipped cups. The tablecloth was stained and threadbare, the chairs lopsided all around. The mad hatter slumped in one of them, staring into space, pale and dazed. Even his clothes reflect his gloomy mood. He always wore a ragged and scorched top hat.

Paranoid and anxious, the white rabbit was constantly wrings his paws and long ears. The Dormouse had arrived ahead of Alice. She wore the Bandersnatch eye at her waist. The Hare/house taps the white rabbits head.

"What? Where? Who's there?' Rabbit declared. The Cheshire Cat strolled in with Alice. At sight of her, the Hatter bolted upright. He brightened, his clothes even perked up. Wonderland never ceased to amaze Alice. Transfixed, he moved towards her, shortest route being across the top of the table. She watched him stomp on the plates and cups, the food to get to her. He came close, studying her intently.

''Your hair wants cutting...'' Hatter remarked and Alice fingers touched her hair. ""But... It's you.''

''No, it's not. McTwisp brought us the wrong Alice.'' Mouse declared.

"Not this again." Alice grumbled.

''It's absolutely Alice. You're-' he pointed a long thin finger at Alice. ''-absolutely Alice! I'd know you anywhere. I'd know her anywhere.'' Hatter assured. He took her hand and pulled her back over the top of the table. She tried not to step on any teacups but failed miserably as he dragged her along. He plunked her down in the chair next to his. Alice stared around confused and flustered. Just a tea party. She could have a tea party in wonderland.

''Well, as you can see we're still having tea. It's all because I was obliged to kill Time waiting for your return." Hatter told her as he pointed a finger around. "You're terribly late, you" he tapped her forehead. "-know... naughty. Well anyway, time became quite offended and stopped altogether." Hatter remarked. "Every time you leave and come back... its strange. Really strange."

"That is strange..." Alice agreed.

"Not a tick ever since." Hatter said pointing at his watch.

''Time can be funny in dreams.'' Alice agreed.

''Yes yes, of course. But now you are back, you see, and we need to get on to the Frabjous day." Hatter went on and the rabbit and mouse nodded in agreement. Her mind the places she went, even she didn't know how she thought of this stuff. ''I'm investigating things that begin with the letter M."

"M?" Alice asked.

"Yes do keep up." Hatter agreed. ''Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?" Alice stared back at them as the rabbit, Hatter and Dormouse clasp their hands high. All three shouted out in unison.

"Downal wyth Bluddy Behg Hid!'' they all laughed out and Alice chuckled confused.

''Sorry?'' Alice asked.

"Down with the Bloody Big Head". Cheshire told her. "Bloody Big Head being the Red Queen."

"Red queen?" Alice asked intrigued.

"It's a secret language used by us... the Underland Underground Resistance!" Mouse declared.

''Come, come. We simply must commence with the slaying and such..." Hatter went on as he waved his arms around. ''Therefore, it's high time for Time to forgive and forget. Or forget and forgive, whichever comes first. Or, is in any case, most convenient. I'm-" he clapped getting Alice's attention again. "-waiting."

"What?" Alice questioned. The rabbit taps his watch, listens to it, dips it into his tea cup, listens again. Alice stared perplexed.

''It's ticking again!" the rabbit declared. Cheshire put his tea cup down with disgust.

''All this talk of blood and slaying has put me off my tea." Cheshire remarked blandly.

''The entire world is falling to ruin and poor Chessur's off his tea.'' Hatter declared with a non sympathetic face.

''What happened that day was not my fault!'' Cheshire declared suddenly enraged, the Hatter slammed both hands on the table. Cups and teapots went flying as Alice leaned back to avoid their splatter.

''You ran out on them to save your own skin!'' Hatter declared and began cursing in a language Alice didn't understand. ''You guddler's scuttish pilgar lickering..."

"Is that Valaryian?" Alice asked and Hatter stared back at her.  

Wonderland // Ned Stark // Petyr Baelish (1)Where stories live. Discover now