Chapter 22

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Zoey stayed holed up in the cockpit for the remainder of the trip, while Mave slept. Jack visited her the most with food and smiles, but everyone took turns to ask her nosey questions about her and Rowan without the threat of him dragging them away by the ear. As much as she enjoyed and appreciated--it definitely made the ride pass by faster instead of being locked away in the cockpit as she had on the way to SMX-332--everyone's company, she liked Rowan's visits the most, and not just because they ended up making out. He had a certain presence about him that eased the nerves she had when Mave had first asked her to take over for him. Even when she had to adjust the course to avoid debris and Rowan watched her intently, it wasn't awkward; she actually found it flattering that he wasn't worried she would fly them into an asteroid.

As they came up to Earth, Rowan left to wake Mave up--better he than anyone else--then Mave took over the radio, talking to the base, while Zoey landed the ship.  She looked out the window at the line up of soldiers outside then shrank back in her seat and swore.

Mave gripped her shoulder comfortingly. "I'll take the blame. Don't say anything."

She had other plans, but she nodded because there was no point in arguing with him over it. Besides, there was no time. As soon as they touched ground, they were rapping on the ramp, demanding entry.

"Zoey!" Jack called from the main deck.

"Yeah, yeah." She jumped down from the cockpit. "Let you do all the talking."

Rowan came to her side, feeling more like a bodyguard than a lover, a hand resting on the sidearm at his hip. She bumped him in warning. The last thing she wanted was for him to start something over her and lose the base's trust. They were already in enough trouble because of her. Best not to add onto it.

Glancing down at her, he offered a small smile, a promise he wouldn't let them hurt her. She wanted to believe him, but she knew how these people worked and doubted he could do much. Nevertheless, she returned the gesture to comfort him.

The ramp lowered, revealing Colonel Shaw and a few other big wigs. Aaron Somner included.

"Dad?" What the hell was he doing here? It had been years since she had seen him. He had much more gray in his hair than black, but she was certain it was him.

Aaron Somner's eyes focused on Zoey, despite Jack's best attempt to conceal her, then tightened into a glare she was very familiar with. It was the only look he could give her. "Zoey? Ja-Captain Somner, what is the meaning of this?"

Before Jack or Mave moved to take the blame, she rushed forward, sidestepped Rowan's hand, and stood in front of the Arthonians. "I snuck on the ship. I was bored out of my fucking mind, so I wandered and found myself in the hangar. I was in the engine room when I heard them board and hid until we were too far away from Earth to turn around."

Her father's face grew redder by the second then he gestured to two of the soldiers on the side. "Take her into custody. Don't let her out of your sight. I'll talk with her later."

The soldiers were none too kind, griping her arms tighter than necessary considering she wasn't resisting. Or maybe it was because Rowan's claws had come out and he looked like he was going to cut Aaron's head off.

They dragged her out of the hangar. Zoey only hoped Rowan didn't put up much of a fuss. She did it to protect him, his crew, her brother. No matter what happened to her, she wouldn't regret it, not if it meant the Arthonians could go home and Jack could live his dream.

● ● ●

Rowan saw red. He wasn't sure who he wanted to kill more, Zoey, the man who had given the order for her arrest--supposedly her father--or the men who had dragged his mate away.

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