Chapter 13: Miraculous Intensity Battle Between Dragon & Oni! Goku vs Harumi!

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Harumi: "Hrah! Hyah! Hrah! Trah!"


Goku: "Heh heh, what's matter can't take a breather? Hragh!"


Harumi: "No, I'm just getting started! Hragh! (Double Ki Blasts)


Goku: "Heh..."






Harumi: "I almost forgot you had such potential for your god ki! This time I won't just give up! Not if my true power will surpass your Saiyan power!"

Goku: "Heh heh heh, I'll admit I might be too overboarding to see a demonstration of incredible abilities from you! I'm just getting started!"


Goku: "I gotta say, I'm more impressed you had such intense energy in amounts of stamina!"

Goku: "This is my day of life, fighting somebody is more tremendously super influential to give a extreme battle every time! You are even more capable during our last encounter! No wonder how Lloyd's desperateness to you broke his heart and it makes you feel vicious with a grudge! But now you redeemed, you let go of your anger and vengeance and blame someone for taking away from you."

Harumi: "I know, that's from the past. I made Lloyd break his feelings and I nearly took everything from him to score my goal. The Ninja were my greatest protectors and heroes. We became friends after the chaotic evil had vanished."

Goku: "I still cared about you. I also cared about the Ninja of course. We are friends now, right?"

Harumi: "Yes, we are! I look forward to seeing you skilled in your infinity Saiyan powers you mastered each of the forms. And just so you know...I finally mastered my true power after I became enraged with Oni."

Goku: "Huh?! Your Oni form?! So you take control of that wicked form that Lloyd enraged it to?! Wait, that means..."

Harumi: "Yes, Garmadon taught me to achieve it. I had the elemental essence of Destruction when I got angry as Lloyd did. An Oni can destroy everything, as of this time an Oni can build and protect those who cared about them much."

Harumi: "Lloyd refused to unlock it again, but now I can. Oni has an equal and opposite. And the highest form of that power is the Oni Form. That is if you are excited to demonstrate my new change form. What do you decide, Goku?"

Goku: "Well, I was going to ask Lloyd for our rematch and ask him to transform into his monstrous shape. But he must have had a rough time by not using it again...Guess his worst fear has come. Not only Lloyd, his dad, and you can shape horrifying monsters, Vegeta can transform too. He seems pretty occupied and feels energized by his new dark energy since he enhanced it."

Harumi: "Is he training somewhere?"

Goku: "Oh yeah, he's off to a distant planet on Lord Beerus's."

Harumi: "Ah, Universe 7 Destroyer. I'm guessing he's mastered it to keep getting stronger to defeat you for a Saiyan rivalry."

Goku: "That's Vegeta for ya. He never changed at all, heh heh heh."

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