Chapter One

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-This chapter takes place after Any Sport in a Storm and before Labrinth Runners-

Hunters POV:

I saw the familar green haired boy in the alleyway trying to sell illegal fireworks to people, one of them was Bo. Bo was Skara's Girlfriend and Viney's little sister, I had to stop this kid. Then I remebered, I'm the Golden Guard not Caleb Jasper Bloodwilliams. "Steve, it's that guy again." I said to Steve.

"Oh, yeah I know him!" Steve told me.

"You do????" I asked him.

"Mhm, babysat him and his sister's when they were younger. They still come over often on my  free day." he answered

"What's his name? More importantly, how do we catch him?" I didn't let Steve answer one question before I moved to the next. I was acting like a child.

"Emil-Edric Blight," Steve said, blushing at the misspronunnctation, "sh-He's always been a trouble maker."

"I have an idea," I said running towards  the alley to try and save Bo.

Steve murrmed something, I think he said "shit" or "shoop". No idea though, all that mattered was that this criminal be put in his place.

(As I wrote this the voice inside my head was Zeno's. pls send help)

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