Is it love?

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I guess I finally made it out here in the art world. My paintings were admired by everyone famous and not famous. I wasn't satisfied though my art said it too. My phone rang...

"hello" I said

"Y/N?" the person asked

"yes it is me how may I be of service?" I said

"Hi I'm dua lipa! I just wanted to call and ask if I can come see some of your art with my boyfriend as in we want to just have gallery to ourselves since papz are everywhere." She said.

She had a beautiful accent and I knew who she was it wasn't surprising that I'd get phone calls by celebrities anymore.

"Yes you may" I said

Next day

Dua POV:

it was mine and anwars 1 yr anniversary, we've had our ups and downs but we managed to stay together. Truth is we were sort of set up to be together by our management so there wasn't that much chemistry but my mom told me I had to fight to be in this relationship so I did just that, I always planned everything including today at this gallery, he loved art so do I and especially this artist work.

Phone text:

Me : Anwar babes are you ready?

Anwar: Yes on my way :)

Me: ok love u

I waited for at least like 30 mins and I got a notification

Anwar: I can't make it tonight but I promise I can tomorrow, promised a friend I would go to his club to promote :(((

I didn't even bother to respond it wasn't the first time he did this anyways but on our 1yr anniversary really???

I still got ready because it didn't feel right to cancel on the artist because I genuinely did love her work.


I started to get everything ready for the couple, I researched them a bit since I'm a awkward person so I had to have something to talk about. They were a beautiful couple, one a male model and her a model superstar. I heard cameras clicking and flashes outside the gallery so I assumed they were coming.

Dua POV:

I had arrived. I have no idea how paparazzi found me but they did ugh. Like if I wasn't having a bad day already. I walked in and there was Y/N.

"Hello Ms. Lipa!" She said

I found it funny how she said ms as if she was a professor or something

"good evening you can call me dua by the way" I laughed " I really love your art everything about it seems to have a strong message" I said

"well I try but I also do enjoy your work" she said, "is your partner coming soon?" She said.

" no unfortunately he couldn't make it" I said, I was embarrassed and felt my cheeks warm up because of it.

"How unfortunate, well if you want you can explore and I'll be here if you have any questions" she said

"okay thank you" I smiled.


Dua was really beautiful, I wonder why her boyfriend didn't come she seemed a little on edge. This is why I don't ever want a relationship very complicated for no reason. I saw her exploring, she hadn't asked anything yet so I was just standing here, it was a bit awkward just me and her in this big gallery lol. I saw her stop at a painting.

is she love? .......dua lipaWhere stories live. Discover now