"Nothin, you just look so...vibrant. I didn't realize how young you are until now." He then continues to study my face. His brow furrows and he asks in a slightly concerned tone, "Jen, how old are you?"

I laugh and say, "you worried I'm jailbait suddenly?"

He smiles and says, "Yeah, I kind of am."

"Don't worry, you aren't Jimmy Page, I'm 21." I reply.

He smiles and reaches out to me. He is still sitting astride the motorcycle. I step into his arms and bend to kiss him.

His face is cold from our ride but his tongue is hot. I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me onto the bike so I am straddling him. He nuzzles my neck and says, "Let's get some dinner."

He raises his face back up to look at me and I kiss him softly before saying, "where do you live?"

He grins at me and raises his eyebrows. "I live around here, you wanna come over?"

"I do," I reply.

He threads his finger through my hair then rests one of his hands on the back of my neck. He pulls me down to his mouth and kisses me. His tongue deeply exploring my mouth. I feel his hard erection through his jeans and I softly grind on him. He moans into my mouth and rests his forehead to mine.

"Jen, I'm not going to be able to get us safely back to my place like this. We gotta calm down a bit." He says with a thick chuckle.

I touch my finger to the ring in his nose and give it a little pull. He laughs and I say, "Alright, but can I pull you around by this later?"

He replies huskily, "you can do whatever you want to me later." Then kisses me hotly before pretending to push me off his lap. I laugh at his display and untangle my legs from his lap. I slide off him and the bike then turn to face the water.

It is a clear day and the early afternoon sun is shining brightly overhead. I close my eyes and look up into the warm sun. I can hear the sound of children laughing as they walk home from school and waves languidly crashing on the rocky shore.

I turn to face him and he has been watching me. He smiles slightly at me and his eyes almost look solemn. I kiss him softly on his mouth and he squeezes my arm. I think this man might understand me, I think to myself as I straddle the bike and lean my chest against his back.

He squeezes my thigh then turns the bike on and rolls out of the parking lot.


Sean pulls into the driveway of a large home along the water. Tall pine trees surround the property, making it feel secluded and private. It feels like an escape.

He waits for me to get off the bike first then swings his long leg over the side of it. He runs his hands over his wild hair and grins at me.

He reaches for me and smoothes my hair down too. I smile up at him and he kisses me softly.

He steps back from me then bows dramatically and says, "Welcome to my abode, madam"

I laugh and curtsy. "Do you have a butler, rockstar?"

He laughs and says, "A butler would run for the hills after one day with me."

We walk up the pathway to his front door and he unlocks it. He swings the door open for me to enter first and I am awestruck by the view. It is an open floor plan with large windows looking straight out to the water.

"Sean, this is incredible," I say finally.

"Yeah, it's how I get chicks naked," He says teasingly.

I laugh and say, "So you haven't brought many stripers back here?"

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