Meeting the supernatural

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Issei: Come on licht I'm coming at you be ready.

Licht: Born ready Issei I won't hold back.

With that both Issei and licht run towards eachother fist cocked back ready to finish there spar to see who is the stronger of the two.

As they both run to each other they swing straight for each others face but what they failed to realize is that both of them started to glow a different shade of color with Issei glowing crimson and licht glowing golden.

As the two punch each other a huge shockwave blows them both back into a wall knocking each-other both out with there glowing bodies receding back to normal.

-With Issei floating in what looks to be like empty space with nothing to see in sight.

Issei: Where am I. Where is licht.

Just then huge fires erupt right in front of him making him fly back due to the pressure. As soon as Issei comes to a stop he is greeted by a giant 50 meter tall red dragon who is staring directly into his soul as if examining him.

???: So this is my new host. I must say I'm impressed. For a human you got pretty good physical strength and your body looks durable to handle a good amount of boots.

Issei: Huh what are you talking about. Boost and body looks durable. Who are you and where am I.

Draig: Oh I'm sorry my name is Ddraig The Heavenly Dragon Of Domination and your inside you subconscious. After your fight with your friend you both were knocked out. However during the fight you managed to unlock your scared gear which is me due to your intense emotion to win against your friend.

Issei: Sacred gear what's that and how do I know this isn't a dream.

Draig: We'll I can assure you this isn't a dream. This is very very real and as for what a sacred gear is basically it's a gift from god bestowed upon humans to stand a fighting chance at the supernatural. And yes the super natural is real everything about it is real.

Issei: We'll this is a lot to take in. So if your my sacred gear that means we're partners. What exactly does my sacred gear do.

Draig: Yes we are partners and your gear allowed you to double your power every 10 seconds eventually being able to beat god class beings with enough boost. Eventually you'll be Able to unlock more of my abilities but for know I suggest you train your body more and get stronger because now that you unlocked your gear powerful people will come and challenge you.

Issei: We'll that certainly is a lot to take in. But what do I tell licht. He's my best friend and the only person I have left. Does he also have a sacred gear or is he Normal.

Draig: From what I can sense he does have a sacred gear. The same type as yours which is a Longinus and I may know who it is but you should ask him when you both wake up just to make sure.

Issei: Alright I'll ask him and knowing him if he does have one also he'll want to train also so he won't be left in the dust. That does beg the question though. Should we stay in school or completely focus on training. I'm thinking we'll homeschool so we can focus more on getting stronger.

Draig: Whatever plan you choose to take I will help you in anyway I can partner but it is time to wake up and remember ask licht if he spoke to his sacred gear also.

Issei: Alright I will.

Flashback 10 minuets ago with licht in his subconscious as well.

Licht: God damn it Issei you hit hard as hell. Wait where am I why am I just floating here.

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