"How are you feeling?" Juliet questioned, putting some blush on Caitlin's cheeks.

"Ready," Caitlin answered. "Nervous."

"I would assume." She put the blush brush down and grabbed the lipstick. "Weddings are stressful . . . so I've heard."

"Well, this'll be you one day." Caitlin got a twinkle in her eyes. "Juliet Allen."

Juliet let out a small laugh, reaching forwards and putting the lipstick on Caitlin's lips. "Still can't believe it. It doesn't feel real." She focused for a moment on making sure her lipstick was perfect before closing the tube. "Okay, you're all set. I think they're waiting for us outside."

"Caitlin Raymond," Caitlin announced. "I like the sound of that."

Juliet smiled brightly and offered the bouquet of yellow flowers to Caitlin. "Let's get you married."

Caitlin took the flowers from her. Together, the two of them went outside, where Professor Stein, Ronnie, Barry, Joe, Iris, Eddie, and Cisco were all waiting. Juliet trailed behind Caitlin under the sunshine, her heart warming when she saw Ronnie's love-struck expression when he saw Caitlin. She stopped next to Barry, taking his outstretched hand and lacing their fingers together.

"If it's all right with everyone, I'd, uh, like to skip all the Hebrew," Professor Stein stated. "I've learned a lot about merging one's life with another this past year. Yet, for all the incredible advancements in science we've all been party to, the mystery that brings two people together through love is still the province of magic. Mr. Ramon, the rings please."

Cisco rummaged through his pocket for a moment. As he did so, Caitlin looked at Juliet and held out her hand. Juliet took back the flowers and held them as Cisco kneeled dramatically next to the couple with the rings in his palm. Caitlin and Ronnie each took a ring, and Cisco went back to his spot next to Eddie. Caitlin slipped the ring onto Ronnie's finger before he slipped the other onto hers.

"I owe you a real ring," Ronnie said.

"I don't need one," Caitlin responded. "I have everything and everyone that I could ever need right here. And . . . if all the events of the past year have led us to this moment, it was worth it. I love you, Ronnie."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," Professor Stein announced. "You may kiss the bride."

Ronnie looked at him. "Stop telling me what to do."

He then took Caitlin's face in his hands and kissed her. Juliet grinned in excitement and held the yellow flowers closer to her chest. She then looked up at her boyfriend, her heart practically soaring from the whole thing. It only stopped when she noticed the conflicted expression on his face. Juliet tugged on his hand to get his attention, and he snapped out of it, placing a smile on his face for her.

The moment had finally come — Barry knew what he had to do, and the time machine for Thawne was built. Juliet had gotten in her suit just in case anything went wrong, but her mask was off. She leaned against the wall in the pipeline, her heart feeling a little heavy. Caitlin, Cisco, Joe, Iris, and Eddie were there as well while Professor Stein and Ronnie were in the cortex.

Caitlin stepped up to Barry first, tears in her eyes. Barry hugged her tightly for a moment before letting go. Caitlin stepped back, and Cisco walked up to him.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐄  ―  b. allen ¹  ✓Where stories live. Discover now