Emotes and emotions (NamKook)(NSFW)(Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Namjoon was about to be dead, and he wouldn't even get to do his quest. He looked at his little crab pet, his biggest pride as a hunter, doing a last 'pet' emote. His character did the petting emote towards his wolf and the text 'JoonTheTreeHugger pet RM' appeared in chat for all around him to see.

He expected to die in the next moment, this was clearly a high-end player who could easily smash him as he was in gear chosen more for its looks than for its combat stats, meaning there was no way that he would be able to fight this player, so he just accepted his fate.

A fate... that never came.

The other just stared at him, which was a little unnerving.

Still, never one to be deterred and clearly, having no functioning prefrontal cortex, Namjoon didn't run away, instead with a curious look he targeted the other played and typed a new command out and in chat appeared 'JoonTheTreeHugger poke Fire. Hey!'

That name... Fire. Namjoon was sure that he had heard or maybe read that name somewhere, but he couldn't remember it and he wasn't sure he cared that much, now he was simply curious.

Waiting for the other player, Fire, to attack him, all he got was a series of frantic emotes.

'Fire smiles shyly at JoonTheTreeHugger.'

'Fire waves at JoonTheTreeHugger.'

'Fire apologises to JoonTheTreeHugger.'

Oh, that was certainly not expected.

Seemingly he was not about to be killed by this person, he tried to slowly guide his character towards the quest marker, hoping to not mean anybody else, because he was sure that nobody else would be as kind as this weird blood elf.

Of course, he ended up being right, because the second he started moving, a rogue unstealthed next to him, ready to bury his daggers as he dropped the first stun. Well so much for that, once again Namjoon was ready to die, but instead, the rogue fell dead, body landing next to Namjoon's character as it turned to dust.

Well, he had certainly not done that! Namjoon could barely kill mobs in this gear, let alone a fully geared rogue.

Stepping up next to him, and looting the rogue, showing that he was the one who killed said bastard was Fire, the blood-elf did another emote as chat showed 'Fire grins wickedly at JoonTheTreeHugger.'

Namjoon had never before gotten defended in the game before especially by somebody who was not able to actually talk to him.

With a grin he typed a quick command watching his character do a thankful little bow as 'JoonTheTreeHugger thanks Fire.' maybe every play who played this game were terrible people who deserved to have their human rights removed.

He wasn't sure how it happened, but as he happily walked around finishing his quest, Fire walked with him, killing anybody who even thought for a second that Namjoon was an easy target.

Even when Namjoon was taking his time to actually do the quest, to read the text and coo a little at the newest letter that he got from the bandit leader to take back to the milkmaid, Fire stayed near his side.

The blood elf even pet RM!

The two of them kept sending emotes back and forward as this was the only way for the two of them to communicate in any way. It was... cute. Namjoon wasn't sure if this was what the kids called 'e-flirting' but it was fun non the less and when he got ready to log out, he couldn't stop himself from typing one last emote before promptly logging out.

'JoonTheTreeHugger blows Fire a kiss' before hitting the logout button as fast as humanly possible.


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