Relationship/Friendship Things

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-climbing a water tower to watch the sunset/sunrise
-carve pumpkins with *insert character(s)*
-skinny dipping at a lake or lagoon with *insert character(s)*
-bake brownies with *insert character(s)*
-make/paint easter eggs and crack it on each other
-make a bonfire and make s'mores with *insert character(s)*
-have a mud fight with *insert character(s)*
-buy fireworks, sparklers, fire crackers, and whatever else you find and just pop them on a mountain or in the streets
-go thrift shopping with *insert character(s)*
-sneak out with *insert character(s)* and go skateboarding somewhere to watch the sunrise
-sneak into an abandoned water park and skate in the tubes
-go to a beach with *insert character(s)* and find a secret beach together
-find a waterfall with a cave behind it and make it a secret hideout
-go stargazing together with *insert character(s)*
-climb to the top of a store to watch the sunrise/sunset with *insert character(s)*
-drive late at night with *insert character(s)* while blasting music
-you do *insert character* hair
-go rollerskating and get snow cones after
-go laser tagging with *insert characters*
-stealing/sneaking food from a gas station or store (one person distracts, other takes)
-hot chocolate
-snowball fights
-snow forts
-watching winter movies all cuddled up in blankets
-baking Christmas cookies
-flour fights
-you're holding onto your partner's limp body begging them to stay awake, help is only a few hours away and you're afraid that they won't make it
-you remember each others birthdays, anniversaries, etc
-you guys communicate with each other and actually listen to what the other is saying
-you're always comfortable with each other
-give each other nicknames
-dancing in the rain
-baking together
-doing each others nails
-doing face masks together
-going on a road trip with them
-going skiing
-teaching them how to skate
-turn on all the alarms in a iphone store
-try to get a bullseye on the target logo
-cuddling with your s/o or friends
-going to an amusement/water park with your friends
-spending the holidays that you celebrate with your friends
-you have long lasting relationships
-meeting online friends in person is easy
-you have healthy relationships
-you don't end up meeting people who's only goal is to emotionally hurt you
-anyone you like romantically likes you back
-karaoke night
-making your own secret language
-cooking together
-spa night
-taking stupid pictures together with a polaroid camera
-going on a wild adventure together, so many beautiful memories are made and it's just you guys
-you and your friends have a vlog channel where you vlog all of your vacations
-your friends won't catch feelings for you or anyone you dislike
-you and your friends go on cute picnics together and have a lot of fun
-your friends throw a big surprise birthday party for you
-if you have freckles their just drawing constellations on your face
-cards against humanity
-late night picnics
-making memes out of each other's photos
-you're sick and they go out of their way to buy you food, medicine and serving you food in bed
-singing/humming in the woods and petting wild animals while your s/o follows your voice and sees you
-going to the mountains when it's snowing, and having multiple competitions (snowball fights, who can make the best snowman, etc)
-you and your friends decide to rent out a bounce house for the day and while your on it you all decide to run to one side and you end up flipping it over with all of you still in it
-kicking their ass in just dance/wii sports
-going on long drives with each other just to be near each other
-being super tired after a night out and cuddling up w/ each other
-swimming in a lake as it starts to rain
-going to a cafe where one of your friends work and sitting in the same spot you all do every day while you just talk about your day
-sleeping one night only to hear small pebbles being thrown at your window, when you get up to look at what it is, your entire friend group is standing out side telling you to come out, you end up sneaking out and spending the entire night with them
-playing a series of games on a Wii (wii sports, Mario kart, etc)
-taking a trip to see the northern lights together
-going to the aquarium with them
-after a long day, you all go to a pier and eat fast food while watching the sunset together
-they plan a surprise trip and it ends up being to Paris and end up taking you to see the floating lantern festival
-you take them ice skating in New York while they hold on to you as their life depends on it
-going to a trampoline park with your friend group
-going to abandoned places with your friend group
-successfully staying overnight at a mall (all the stores keep their doors open)
-going on a road trip together
-going to a boba shop together
-random gas station runs at 3 am
-getting matching piercings/tattoos/colored hair
-there's a carnival and you all end up going to it till the night falls and watch fireworks light up the starry sky on top of the ferris wheel
-you have a pool party with music and games
-"don't be afraid of the spider, it's smaller than you" "so is a fucking Grenade"

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