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-an ambidextrous fighter
-talented strategist
-high pain tolerance
-confident with your abilities
-quick thinker
-can be manipulative
-you and your comrades never get any serious injuries
-can easily predict other peoples movements and emotions
-know your opponent's next move
-can move incredibly fast
-an amazing problem solver
-can easily figure out how to use any weapon
-quick and strong reflexes
-no pain you feel will be unbearable
-always look smooth/hot while fighting
-fast learner
-don't accidentally hurt yourself
-body is durable and flexible
-limitless stamina
-good at dodging
-aren't caught off guard
-perfect aim
-strong, gorilla grip
-strong punches and kicks
-expert at self defense and offense
-amazingly stealthy and agile
-throw good and powerful punches and dont pop your bones while doing so
-you always have your next move planned out in your head while in a fight
-you're unpredictable and you have a unique fighting style
-execute ideas perfectly
-teeth, nose, ears, and eyes can never get too damaged when fighting
-no one can read your combat moves when fighting with you
-can copy any fight style with ease and perfection

Possible Stuff to Script Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant