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-warm food doesn't get cold quickly
-don't get food poisoning
-good cook and baker
-have no food allergies
-food doesn't burn
-cookie dough is edible
-all good smells good
-not a picky eater
-don't get crumbs everywhere
-know how to eat food from different countries/cultures
-you have amazing knife skills and can speed cut anything
-you are the best master chef in the world, possessing a natural instinct for taste, smell and texture
-you receive and learn knowledge of cooking with ease and use it accordingly and correctly, you never fail at impressing everyone
-you make the most of the given ingrediants, able to cook up such a beauty of a meal with only a few ingredients
-you can heal people through the food you make
-you can augment the quality of any food, healing anyone who eats it
-you can improvise expertly and come up with brilliant ideas on dishes
-your cooking feels like home cooked meals, warm and made with love, a homey and comforting feeling always felt by the people who eat your foods
-you have enhanced senses, therefore being able to evaluate any food you taste, down to the ingredients and the littlest details
-you are able to channel emotion through your cooking and make people happier with just your food
-you have natural chef's intuition, able to cook up extraordinary foods from the finest to lowest ingredients
-you are incredibly educated in cooking and etiquette
-you are an absolute expert at using and knowing what each tool in any kitchen does
-whatever you're craving a food it always ends up in the kitchen, cafeteria, etc
-the school food is amazing
-your food/drink never gets posioned or drugged
-you're not a picky eater
-you can cook/bake anything amazing
-food can last a lot longer even if its out
-you can handle spicy food
-water always tastes fresh
-you have a fast metabolism

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