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-you have 10/10 vision
-you eyes are always protected from harmful blue light and excessive exposure to sunlight
-you are very observant
-your eyes are healthy
-you have eyes that fit your face shape
-your eyes are mesmerizing, people can get lost in them
-you have naturally good posture
-you have a good head for hats
-your appearance ages slowly
-you don't look weird while eating
-any hair color looks good on you
-all tattoos and piercings look good on you and they don't get infected
-my lips are always soft
-my hands never get sweaty
-my lips taste like *insert what you want*
-my hands are soft to the touch
-my lips can never get chapped
-my hands always are clean and smell clean
-my lips always looks pretty
-my skin is always clean and is clear of acne
-I'm unable to get cavities
-my skin can never get a breakout
-my teeth are naturally white
-my skin is always smooth and pretty
-pretty and/or attractive smile
-my skin feels like silk
-my teeth are always clean
-can easily dye your hair and it always turns put good
-look amazing in any hair style
-can easily cut/trim your hair
-hair can never take heat damage
-your hair always looks fluffy
-hair can never get frizzy
-can do any hair style
-can easily tan
-can never get sun burned/tan
-don't have stretch marks
-don't have flaky/rough skin
-your pores can't get clogged
-your freckles/moles are easily seen through makeup
-my hair is soft and silky
-my eyes always look pretty
-my hair can never get damaged
-my eyes glows when I'm excited/happy
-my hair grows back really fast
-my eyes always shine
-my hair always has volume
-can easily do any type of makeup on yourself and others
-you know every makeup trick out there
-your makeup always goes with your outfit
-you always get the right shade of foundation for yourself
-you can never sweat off your makeup
-any type of makeup look, looks good on you
-your makeup can never transfer on yours or anyones clothing
-can easily put false lashes on with no trouble
-your makeup is waterproof
-you can never smudge your makeup off
-you know what the best products are
-you can do makeup on any type of person
-dying or putting heat on your hair doesn't effect it in a negative way and will always stay healthy

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