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San's mate was breathtakingly beautiful. After Wooyoung had presented as an omega, they were the happiest they've ever been. On the same night on Wooyoung's birthday, San had finally claimed him as his.

For the two wolfes of the small pack consisting of eight wolfes in total that lived in the forest behind the numerous mountains, nothing mattered more than being together and feeling each other. If Wooyoung had presented as a beta, a world would have collapsed for the two because they are only able to communicate and feel each other through this so-called bond that only an alpha and an omega could share.

Wooyoung's very first heat was just around the corner and what he had eagerly prepared for weeks was finally going to be presented to his mate when he led him to their nest in the middle of nowhere. He had carefully and thoughtfully built their nest away from their pack and far away from civilization. It was comfortably laid out with all sorts of pillow- and blanket-like leaves that nature held available for them.

The omega couldn't wait to finally be praised by his alpha for his hard work. He was giggling and challenging San to chase him through the forest until they arrived at the very place that already radiated something magical from the outside.

"You did very well my love!" San purred once Wooyoung had turned around to face him.

"Put a lot of love into it!" A soft shade of pink colored his cheeks but the young omega didn't look away. His gaze was caught by San as he leaned forward and pecked Wooyoung's lips.

"Let's go inside and show me how pretty you've prepared our little nest!" San intertwined their hands and let the omega lead him inside.

Wooyoung couldn't wait any longer and threw himself into the very cozy looking nest, rolling and twisting in it to transfer as much of his scent as possible.

The accumulating scent from his omega grew stronger as it spread not only through the cave but also up San's nose and eventually throughout his whole body, luring him into the nest to join Wooyoung.

As soon as San had entered their nest and joined him, Wooyoung's sweet and calm, light and airy scent mixed with San's woodsy and herbal scent with a hint of freshly cut grass and bonfires.

Compared to Wooyoung's alluring scent, San's scent was full and heavy, more nature-like. It had a very huge affect on Wooyoung who felt very safe and secure around San.

As soon as Wooyoung sensed that his mate had entered his nest, he stopped everything he did to reach up to his mate. His own scent clouded his thoughts and all Wooyoung wanted was direct and physical contact like they had shared that night when San had claimed him.

Of course, San couldn't refuse his mate's wish and immediately lay down in his outstretched arms, letting the younger immediately rub against his scent gland to absorb even more of his heavenly scent.

After a few hours of constant cuddling and scenting as well as worshipping, San left the nest to go hunting. He had to get something to eat because Wooyoung would receive San's knot in a few days and get they had to get his body ready to carry healthy pups. Just as they had both wished for dearly.

Just as San had killed a deer, his breath hitched as his body filled with numbness, fear and helplessness. The sudden surprise of a burning scent that spread through his body made San halt in his tracks, his mate's distressed feelings made him forget about the dead deer as his legs led him back to their nest in no time.

"Young-ah!" A loud growl rolled up in his throat as he saw how strangers had surrounded his crouching mate as he fearfully hid in their nest. San's inner alpha was about to burst out of him, tearing the men to pieces should they approach his mate in any way. He was about to get feral.

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