Jessica: Yes, but Bertie lives up there.

Jake: Bertie? I didn't know you kidnapped people in your spare time.

Jessica: Bertie the Spider. Adam thought that naming him would make me less scared. Didn't work.

Jake: How big of a spider are we talking about, exactly?

Jessica: Huge. Size of my fist.

Jake: So, tiny? Your hands are tiny... But still, no thanks. I don't like spiders either. Bertie can stay up there alone.

Jessica: Honestly, you pick on me awfully! Pleeeeeease. I'll pay you with cookies and beer.

Jake: Ugh, fine, you've convinced me to get eaten by a spider. Be there in 20 minutes.

22nd November.

Jake: Good job your cookies are amazing, and your beer is cold. Bertie nearly killed me.

Jessica: I told you he was huge. This house belongs to him, not to me.

Jake: Come over? Having some of the gang over for drinks?

Jessica: Sure, I'll be there soon.

1st December

Jake: Noise just played a new song; it's so fucking good.

Jessica: Omg, omg, omg! Can I come listen when they're gone?

Jake: You're going to get me fired.

Jessica: Aren't you the boss?

Jake: Hmm, I wouldn't be sharing a 2-bedroom flat if I were the boss.

Jessica: Fair point.

3rd December.

Jake: So, I'm playing a few songs at an open mic tonight...

Jessica: I didn't know you had started playing again. You'll be amazing.

Jake: Will you come? For moral support?

Jessica: I wouldn't miss it.

4th December

Jessica: I'm just sending you a little text to remind you how amazing you were last night.

Jake: Yeah? I was so nervous.

Jessica: You couldn't tell. You were brilliant. The room was full of girls drooling over you.

Jake: Oh? I didn't notice.

Jessica: Not even the blonde at the front? Her dress was so low-cut, I'm sure you could see her belly button.

Jake: Lol. Nope, I didn't see her. The only person I saw was you.

Jessica: Well, I'm glad I distracted you from that awful sight... haha! I loved your cover of Hallelujah; it was very similar to Jeff Buckley's version.

Jake: That's what I was going for. The man was crazy talented.

Jessica: You're crazy talented.

Jake: I'll come over later and play you something I've been working on, if you're free.

Jessica: I can't wait.

7th December

Jessica: If my mother nags me to start dating again one more time, I'm going to snap.

Jake: Dating? Are you ready for that?

Jessica: She says I should just get back out there. Just to open my mind to it.

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