Chapter 33

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Many things happened after that.

Kayden defeated Lancelot who surprised everyone. Lancelot is a mystical beast raised by the Luterain family

It was a surprise for everyone, especially Cain who's from the beast tamer family

As of now, Satomi is sitting on a chair in front of the Korean faculty who's just glaring at her. They heard how Satomi shouted on the call and how noisy it is like there was something going on

"What happened, Satomi?"

Satomi sighed, "I told you it was fireworks, we're celebrating and it won't be completed without fireworks"

"And why did you shout 'dodge'?"

They saw how Satomi flinched that intrigued them. Their eyes sharpen. Satomi can feel how sharp their looks are

"Why can't you all observe that even though we all know I'm telling lies and not the truth is because I'm not allowed to disclose it to anyone?" Satomi stood up and glare at the faculty in front of her. Then she smiled at them, "well, now I'm leaving!"

She walk out of the room leaving the Korean faculty shocked at her statement. That's right, they didn't notice it. They were just curious about what was going on in there


She looks back seeing Kangseok walks towards her. She smiled seeing how Kangseok's face worried about it

"Kangseok! A pleasure to see you!"

He just shake his head and sat beside her looking at the waves of the sea.

They were on a part of the island where the faculty and students don't go. It was found by Satomi who was just randomly teleporting on an island at that time

This place brought peace to her when she's on cloud nine, mad, sad, or just having a neutral emotion. It's just, she can't find peace while living in this world

Some might say, 'how about in Wooin's arm? It might be pretty peaceful in between your lover's arms?' but let's be realistic

In this world where being the strongest awakened is getting hunted and they will try everything just to defeat you and become the strongest is not peaceful at all

Thinking that, 'what if Wooin will be in danger because of me?', 'what will happen to Wooin after I get caught?' and 'can I protect him?'

"Satomi, what happened?" she heard Kangseok ask so she hummed, "I heard from Jiwoo that Inhyuk said that something happened when he was calling you"

She chuckled and just stare at the sea, "someone attacked GAO's main branch while we were having the event. They used a curtain to prevent father and uncle from going in but luckily I was already inside. The strongest of them attacked the students but the others faced the teacher on what we call them," her fist clenched and it didn't past Kangseok's gaze, "I can't do anything to protect my friends, Kangseok. All I do is push them aside just not to get attacked or shout at the top of my lungs to warn them about the attack.

I feel useless at that time, just watching how my friends try to attack but nothing works, how one of them bleed out because of how he used his power. When Inhyuk called, one of my friends was about to get attacked so I screamed telling him to dodge"

"Is the fight already done?"

"Nope, I left because they told me that they can handle it, and trust them on that," Satomi sighed and put her head on his shoulder, "to tell you honestly, I don't want to go and help them but at the same time I know that fighting that strong thing will help them improve"

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